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Jimin lays his hand on the handle and signs for Taehyung to keep quiet. Taehyung nods and wrinkles his eyebrows in concentration. Jimin just wants to stand there looking at him for all of eternity.
The way his eyes tenses a little and the hairs in his eyebrows smoothly curves at the same time....

He snaps out of his thoughts when Taehyung suddenly clears his throat.

"What are you waiting for?" He whispers and gives Jimin a small smile. Jimin responds by blushing, shaking his head and gently press down the handle.

The door opens with a mild click and they're met by the dark hallway. Now Jimin can relax. He was scared that Jin already was going to be up, making breakfast or cleaning or something. He turns around and sees Taehyung squatted down watching the shoes.

"Are those yours??" He whispers with big eyes and points at Hoseok's slippers.

"Of course not, do you think I can afford Gucci?"

Taehyung doesn't even listen, he just sits there and stares at the slippers as if they were made of pure gold. Jimin shakes his head and gently taps Taehyung on the head. He comes to life again and stands up quickly.

"So they're that scary guy's?" He asks as they're tiptoeing towards the guest room.

"No, they're one of my other roommates'. Here." Jimin says and opens the door to the small, but cozy, guest room. Taehyung just stands there, looking like a big question mark.

"You're not leaving me to sleep in here all by my self where one of your roommates could just walk in any second, are you?" He says with eyes the sizes of tennis balls. Jimin chuckles and leans over to peck his lips.

"Yes I am, sleep tight!" He says playfully and runs away to his and Yoongi's room soundlessly. Behind him, he can hear Taehyung whisper screaming his name, and he has to cover his mouth to hold in the laughter.

When he enters their room, it's death silent in there. Yoongi is still lying on Jimin's bunk, sound asleep. Jimin smiles and lays down beside him, still with his clothes on, and pecks is friend's head.

"Thank you." He whispers very silently to not wake him up, before taking a blanket and drags it over both of them.


A tear falls from Yoongi's eye, over the bridge of his nose, and leaves a small stain on the white sheets.

"You're welcome." He whispers inaudible before another tear falls.


jj lin's voice is seriously the smoothest thing i've ever heard

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