fresh start

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Jimin enters the apartment, kicks off the shoes in the hallway and walks into the kitchen. He takes a glass from a cabinet, fills it up with water and takes a sip. It tastes dry.

"Uh, hey Jimin?" Hoseok enters the kitchen without any sound. Jimin looks up and twitches his neck at him as a greeting.
Hoseok looks nervous, which isn't at all like him. He just stands there, playing with his shirt and it looks like he tries to collect courage.

"Hoseok, what do you want?" Jimin says and takes another sip of water. He sounds just as tone less still, he feels tone less.

"Well, I was thinking about this Yoongi thing and... We think that it's best if you don't sta..." Hoseok finally says, but Jimin cut him off.

"It's fine, I'll just stay in the guest room for a while."

"No, Jimin.." Hoseok says and looks down at his feet. "We think that it's best that you don't stay here. Like, here." He points around himself. Jimin nearly spits out the water in his mouth.

"You're kicking me out?!" He yells and Hoseok looks at him with pity in his eyes.

"Well, no, I mean... Yeah kind of." He says and puts a hand on Jimin's shoulder. Jimin is in shock and and he just looks right in front of him. He keeps quiet and turns to look at Hoseok, who smiles.

"Actually, I know a guy who rents out apartments above his coffee shop on 321 W 110th Street. I texted him, and there is one available! He's just happy to get rid of it, really."

"Okay, sure." Jimin sighs and feels the tears burn behind his eyelids. "Do you really want me gone that bad?"

Hoseok shakes his head violently and throws himself around Jimin's neck.

"I'm going to miss having you around so much, Jimin! You have helped me through some really tough times and... Agh!" He feels Hoseok's tears hitting his shoulder. He smiles a little and pats him on the back.

"Well, if you look at it the bright way, maybe you'll finally have a chance with Yoongi." He says and they both chuckles softly. Hoseok nods and blushes lightly. He looks at Jimin.

"Do you think you'll be okay?" He asks and Jimin smiles.

"No." He says. "Yoongi will always be my best friend, and I will miss the shit out of him. So, no, I don't think I'll be okay. But I also know that he will have a better time without me, so this is to the best."

"Yeah." Hoseok nods and hugs Jimin one last time.

"I'll just go pack up my things then." Jimin says and sighs lightly.

"I already did, all of it is in a box to the left." Hoseok says and they both break into laughter. "No, but it's in the guest room."

"Thank you Hoseok." Jimin says and a tear falls from his right eye. "You have to come over, like very often." Hoseok nods violently and turns away to dry the tears.

Jimin tiptoes out of the kitchen, to not disturb the others, and into the guest room. There is a big box in there with a yellow sticky note on, and he grabs it and tiptoes out again. Hoseok is standing in the hallway.

"When you get there, ask for Christian. He's the one who owns the apartments." He says and gives Jimin his jacket. Jimin nods and puts on his shoes, gives Hoseok a last hug and glances at his room.

Everyone is sitting there, around Yoongi, and Jimin can't help but to think that it's his fault. Suddenly, Jungkook turns around. He meets Jimin's tearful eyes and waves. Jimin waves back and leaves the apartment.


"Starbucks." Jimin says to himself. He is standing on 321 W 110th Street, in front of a Starbucks. "Really, universe?" He says and looks up in the sky. It's cloudy.
He sighs and opens the door to the crowded place.

It smells of coffee in there and Jimin starts walking through the crowd. It's hard because of the big box in his hands. He knocks over a lady's coffee cup without her noticing and he hurries away and up to the desk.

"What can I get you, sir?" The man behind it says and gives Jimin a big smile.

"An apartment." Jimin simply says due to exhaustion, but the man cracks up.

"You must be Hoseok's friend! I'm Christian." He says and stretches out is hand towards Jimin, but quickly pulls it back again, in laughter.

"Jimin." Jimin says and Christian nods excitingly. He puts down the coffee cup he had taken up when Jimin arrived, and comes out from behind the desk.

"This way please." He says and points with his hand towards a glass door in the furthest corner of the shop. Jimin looks at him and he flashes Jimin a big smile. Whilst cringing the man, Jimin starts walking towards the door.
Christian opens it for him.

"It's up this stairway, then to the left. You're in 8b. You have one neighbour in 8a, but he's not out of the apartment much. He just arrived home, if you want to say hi. And also, let me know if you need something! Welcome!" He says and now it's Jimin's turn to smile.

"Thanks." He says and Christian walks away. Jimin starts walking up the stairs, in struggle. The box is really heavy. But to Jimin's benefit, the staircase is not that long.

"Okay, 8b." He says to himself and doesn't have to search for long. He puts down the boys outside the door and takes the key that is hanging on a nail besides it. It fits prefectly in the lock, the door glides up without a noise and wow.

Jimin just stands there in shock. The apartment is amazing. Jimin had expected a small, one bed room apartment, but this is... wow.

"This must be expensive though." He says and lifts the box to place it in the hallway. He closes the door and it goes dead silent. On the backside of the door, there is a note placed.



Hello new guest! As you can see, this apartment is already furnished and cleaned out, to make your living more convenient. The rent is $15 a month.
I hope you'll love it here!


"15 dollars?! This is the best day of my life!" Jimin screams and runs into the apartment with his shoes on. The kitchen is huge, the living room is bigger.

"This is the biggest TV I've ever seen!"

He continues into the bedroom. In there, an enormous king bed stands. There is a big window facing Central Park and two big speakers too. Jimin rushes up to the speakers and plugs in his phone to test the sound.


Jimin laughs in excitement and throws himself on the bed. He hears a loud banging on the wall above his head and a voice that calls "Shut of that shit!"

He couldn't care less. This day just took a very pleasant turn.


<333 i honestly love reading you comments so much

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