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Jimin wakes up suddenly. It's dark outside his window and Yoongi is still sleeping next to him. He sit up in his bed and rubs his eyes. He probably just dreamed something and wo.... Jimin freezes. He can hears something, or someone in his room. Or more correctly, in his wardrobe. He slowly opens his eyes and turns his head towards the sound.
He's met by a familiar back who is searching through his wardrobe and occasionally picks a shirt or a pair of pants and stuffs them into a bag.

"Taehyung what th..?!" Jimin nearly screams before Taehyung turns around and puts his finger to Jimin's lips. Jimin is confused and very bothered by Taehyung's finger.

"I'm sorry I woke you, it was supposed to be a surprise." Taehyung whispers and smirks before turning around again. He continues to search through Jimin's closet.

"Taehyung, what is going on? What surprise?" Jimin whispers angrily and he can hear Taehyung chuckle softly as he's closing the bag.

"I'm taking you out." He says and turns around to give Jimin a big proud smile.

"Now?! It's like" Jimin says and looks at his wristwatch. "Taehyung it's almost two o'clock in the morning! You said 8pm!!"

"That's the surprise! Now get your ass up, and don't wake up your friend." Taehyung says and his eyes widens a little. "He scares me."

Jimin shakes his head. What is he thinking with?? Taking me out in the middle of the night? And who the hell let him in?? If it was Hoseok I swear to god.. He throws his legs over the edge of the bed, almost laughing at his own stupidity.

He looks up at Taehyung, who is looking down on his phone. The cold bright light from the screen lights up his face. He is beautiful. Jimin blushes and shakes his head again. Don't do this to yourself.

"Okay, where are we going?"

Taehyung looks up from the screen and directly into Jimin's eyes. There is a spark in them that Jimin remembers like it was yesterday he saw it last. Taehyung stretches out his hand towards Jimin and he carefully places his own in it.


sorry sorry sorry for not writing longer, but my computer is running out of battery ;( bUT I'LL POST ANOTHER CHAPTER TOMORROW I PROMISE OK LOVE YOU BYEEEEEEEE

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