Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I looked into my land and stupid kids are throwing parties again.

“Sir, as you see someone entered your land again” Mr. Miller said

“Let them enjoy their lives Miller - I’ll check on them later”

“Sir, would you like some tea?” he asked as the night had swallowed the day

“Yes please” answering him gently

I sat on my office to fix on my paper works when Miller gave me my tea.

“You can rest now Miller”

“Thank You Sir”

I focused on my paper works when I had notice it was almost midnight and I had stretched my arms then looked outside and the party was still going so I decided to take a look.

I got there for almost 2seconds and heard a scream in the middle of the woods.

I surveyed the scene and it was 3 man to 1 girl and they had the most bad intentions that I could hear.

They tied a young lady and saw them slapped her and when they are to execute I had to grimace on their actions.

I took their lights off and bit their throats one by one making them drop on the ground. And then I saw the lady who was tired and exhausted from these guys  and I had to help her.

She lost consciousness after I had sip on their blood and carried her in my arms and looked at her face. She had been through some sadness I can see in her eyes. And a scent that lures me to her, her face that is uncommon to its kind.

“Mr. Miller” I shouted as I arrived on my door and him taking sometime to attend me.

“Mr. Miller” I shouted again as I carried the lady to my guest room.

“Sir” he finally came on his pajamas

“Help me tend this girl” as I lay her on bed.

“What happened Sir?” Miller asked

“She was attacked in the woods and lost her consciousness when I had come to save her”

“Oh Gracious” he exclaimed

“Perhaps I should call on Rose to fix her” Miller suggested

“Yes please” I said as I look on her soundly sleeping, the lady that could’ve been killed at the end of the night

Rose came in and Miller and I went out.

Not while when Miller came and hand me a cup of  tea

“Sir,  it’s been ages since I saw you tend other girls” Miller said with a little laugh

“She might remember what she saw Miller” as I knew she saw the monstrous act I did

“I’m sure you could handle it Sir” Miller said as I went to silent “Something on her Sir?” Miller asked as he knew me too well.

“Yes something in her that I wanted” as Rose came and tell us that everything is done.

“Thank You, you may get back to rest now” I told them as I went back to the room to see her newly changed and soundly asleep

She resembles someone that I knew hundred years ago. She scented different and the blood that flows to her veins are soundly played in rhythm.

I watched her the whole time until the sunset had fully risen. I was waiting for her to wake up and see her rose in the morning.

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