Chapter 25

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Chapter 25


“Theuos are you ready my brother?” I asked him as we went in to the boundary; I took him because I trust him too much of my protection. He will be my eyes as I penetrate inside

He nodded and went on to see the inside of Garrett’s lair, full of stench and decaying bodies.

I had then scented Haifa very well and can now confirm that she really was here.

“We follow the scent” I told Theuos and headed to the basement leading us to the jail, no guards and full of animosity

Then Theuos had tapped me to look on the 2nd cell. It was Haifa lying on the floor.

“Haifa!” I called her as I went to her cell.

“Haifa!” as she wakened suddenly

“Charles!” she said in a cry

“Babe, I’m sorry – I’m sorry” I pleaded as she held on my face

“Were going home now” I told her

“No – no – no” she said as I was very much confused


“Charles, Garrett will attack tomorrow night you need to prepare, his sending everyone to you” she said

“What?” I asked her

“Charles, I have a plan – just go and prepare for the battle I know how you can kill Garrett and avenge everything to him” Haifa said

“Darling, what are you speaking?” I asked her

“Trust me” she had answered

“No – I’m taking you now” I told her


“No, Charles listen to me” I told Charles as he was hesitating

“I can’t take another day to be away from you anymore Haifa – I can’t leave you here” he told me

“Just another night and everything will be over Charles – trust me” I told him

“Tell me what to do” he then asked

“Prepare for the battle make sure that you defeat them no matter what – okay?” I told him as I caressed his face

“I love you and I’ve missed you so much” I told him

“Darling, please don’t do this to me” he pleaded

“Go now Charles before someone sees you” I told him

“What if the thought you think won’t happen?” he asked

“Just have faith” I told him as he caressed my face

“Now go before someone sees you” I told him as we heard someone coming down.

Then he kissed my forehead and fled as much as it pained me to see him go I had to do it.

And much of it I believed they would win the war.


“Master” Theuos said

“We plan better – we prepare and I want everyone informed – meet me in the field” I ordered as I composed myself and went out.

I then walked through the field and everyone were silent looking at me confusedly.

“I summoned you all here to tell you that we will be at war this night, I want everything organized and perfect – remember this brothers and sisters that we do need to win this war.” I told them as no one had objected.

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