Chapter 27

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Morning crawled to conquer the night and it is not away that I’ll meet Sandy

“Darling?” Charles called me as I lay on the bed

“You are anxious” he said as I looked to him

“I think I’m scared” I told him as he laughed

“You think you’re scared” he clarified

“I’m serious”

“What can ever go wrong, everything is in your favor”

“I mean look at me I got paler and I can even feel my physical appearance changed”

As he checked on me

“I agree” holding on his jaw as I rose up

“So how’s it gonna be?” he asked

“What do you mean?”

“Will it just be you?”

“Of course you need to be there what if I lose it?”

“Well then darling it will be you and me”

“And Sandy”

“Take a deep breath and keep it going” Charles said as we stopped in the door

“She’ll be fine” Theuos appeared out of nowhere

“You are coming with us” I told him as his face got a little bit of confused

“Why?” he asked

“You gotta do something besides staying here”

“Good idea” Charles said as we went to his car

“I think I need to pay Theuos something” I told Charles

“For what?” Theuos asked

“For helping me, saving me and for not bitching me” I told him

“And what will you pay him?”

“I’ll find her a wife” looking at Theuos as he said “Good luck with that”

“Almost there” as we saw Sandy’s house

“Relax darling” Charles cheered and held my hand and stepped out

It felt different and the scent around were suffocating, pulling me in for a kill.

“The more you give attention to it the more it’ll pain” Theuos crossing his arm

My hands were on my throat and I was hearing everything from dogs bark, to the sound of the wind and even the guy who was showering inside.

“Give that thirst hell Haifa” Charles said as we heard Sandy’s voice

“Come on let’s get going before somebody thinks were in for robbery” as we head on to Sandy’s house and stopping at the door for a bit and then knocked as I swallowed and then the door was opened by Sandy.

“Haaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiifaaaaaa!” she screamed at the top of her lung and gave me a hug “I missed you too Sandy”

“Oh my God, you look so hot” checking me from head to toe “What did just happened to you?” as I looked on to Charles “She worked out the whole Italy time”

“It’s just everything changed except for the face I mean” as she shrugged and shouted “Haifa’s here” as her parents came down

“Oh welcome back Haifa” Lorraine hugging me and then her father

“You gotta tell me everything” as Sandy pulled me to their living room and then started to chat.

And I felt so thirsty that I had to pass it on the Ice Tea served to us and Sandy is giving me everything while Charles and Theuos had talked to her parents while they observe me

“I think you better tell them your news Haifa” Sandy winking at me and I knew she was pertaining about the wedding

“Tell us what sweetie?” Lorraine asked

“Charles and I are getting married” answering her as her hands clasp on together and congratulated Charles

“Oh my God I am so happy for you” Lorraine came hugging me “So when is the wedding?”

“We haven’t figured out anything yet”

“Just don’t rush it okay – because it happens once in your life” nodding in agreement as I looked on to Charles that were smiling gladly

“Hey Lorraine do you know someone who is single and is willing to be matched up?”

“Yes! I do actually know someone I just have to check on her and then call you back” as she winked at me


“Getting married must be exciting” Sandy said as we head on to her room

“Pretty much” I answered as she closed the door boxing in the scent of Sandy’s blood

“Hoe’s Jared?” I asked

“Still on their vacation”

“And how’s school?” I asked

“School’s different without you Haifa” she looked at me as her throat seduced my mouth

“So how did he propose?” she asked disturbing the concentration of me to kill her

“The most dramatic way” I answered as i cleared my dry mouth

“What kind of dieting did you do?” she asked as she held on my hips

“I didn’t diet or something” as the scent came stronger

“Can we open your window?” as I opened them and stood right beside it

“Are you still planning to get back to school?” she asked

“Yes I will be back just not right now – lot of things going on”

“What’s going on?” she asked

“You know the wedding and moving and adjusting?”

“Oh okay I got you” she smiled

“Pass by Charles house if you have time – ‘kay? I have a lot of stuff for you”

“Oh can’t wait to see what those things are” she smiled

“You’ll love it I personally got them from the designer” I smiled

“I think we should go now Charles has something to do downtown”

“I understand – God I’ve missed you so much”

“I’m glad I’m back” I chuckled

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