Chpater 26

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I opened my eyes and everything is clear and I was happily moving. I woke up to see Charles on my side looking down at me with his strong face.

“Haifa?” she called me in a soft voice and I looked on to my hand.

They were pale and I looked around me to see nothing but Charles.

“Darling?” he called me again as everything looked new to me. Even the sound got clearer.

I sat myself up and felt my throat burning.

“Charles?” I called on to him

“What are you feeling?” he asked

“I’m thirsty my throat burns” I told him

“It’s all my fault Haifa” he then said as I held on his face

“I don’t know what is it that you are sorry for but I wanted this and I want you” I told him

Then he took my head and kissed my forehead

“Let’s get you full” he said as we went out the field

I scented a human that was very appealing and smelt delicious.

“Haifa, don’t try and feed on humans – we feed on animals” he said

“But I can’t take it anymore” I said as the scent grew bigger

“Come on I’ll show you how it’s done” he said as I ran off following him and I am pretty much amazed on how fast I was not getting tired not needing anything.

“Be very quiet when hunting minimize your moving and attack when you could” he instructed as I followed the scent of the deer that is running around.

I moved swiftly and moved very less as I could and caught on the deer which quenched my thirst a little.

“Darling it might not be enough but I don’t want you feeding on humans” Charles said “Not even a taste”

“I understand” I told him as I looked on my being

“You’ll get used to it – you just have to discipline yourself” he said

“I can hear everything and I can even see the little things” I told him

“You are different now to the rest of the others” he replied

“It feels good to be like this” I complimented as the feeling grew bigger and bigger

“I’m glad you liked it or else I can’t forgive myself” he said

“I did want this I led myself to this” I told him as he looked at me “I knew I would be the last option Garrett would see-“and he cuts in

“So you made sure it stays that way” he said looking at him certainly

“Are you mad?” I asked

“At some point because if it wasn’t for the blood marking you could’ve been killed and you scared me to death you made me restless the whole time you were out” he said “But most of all you’re a mad genius”

“Is the war over?” I asked

“I can’t guarantee but I do know that today I’ve won all my battles” he said as he smiled

“There are things that I want you to know” he said as he looked at me seriously


“We can’t stay in our place back home for a long time or else somebody would notice you not growing old – we’d travel the world together and about Sandy you can’t stay for long to be  with her” he said and it made me sad

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