Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Sandy was in my house and she was talking about all the rumors she got in school.

“Haifa, what’s gotten into you?” She asked

“Huh?” I asked

“You rarely talk and you don’t hang out with me anymore come on spit it out” she said

“It’s nothing kind of a deal” I said

“Yes it is to me, now talk” she said

“Its’ Chris” I said

“What about him?” she asked

“He talked to me of getting me back that he made a mistake but the point is I was kind of insulted because I mean just like that?” I told Sandy

“Oh my God, you cannot take him back Haifa he gave you hell” she said as I looked at her “Chris still loves you”

“No, he just can’t make it to the point that I don’t love him anymore and is pissed that I had moved on and happy” I said

“I just hate him so much”’ Sandy said "Did Charles knew it?” she asked

“Well yes, he was there when I turned back Chris grabbed my arms and there goes the story” I said

“Oh my God Haifa you are the princess of 2 prince” she said

“I am not, I just do love Charles alone” I said

“That I can be certain of” she said

“How’s Jared anyway?” I asked

“He’s doing great kind of intensely in love with her girlfriend” Sandy said

“Nice” I said

“And how about you?” I asked

“Well I was waiting for you to ask” she said


“Liam, in our English class kind of asked me to hang out” she said

“Oh my God – he’s super cute” I said

“I know right?” she asked in agreement

“You should go out with him” I said

“Totally” she answered with a grin

“Okay I gotta go I’ll meet you in school tomorrow” she said

“Bye Sandy” I said as she left out.

After Sandy had shut the door

“Bedazzling beauty you have darling” Charles said on my back.

“How long were you there?” I asked

“Much long to hear how super cute Liam is” he said as I chuckled

“He may be super cute but you’re the most handsome guy I’ve ever known” I said as I went near him.

“Thank You” he said

“How’s Theuos?” I asked

“Thinking deep in the mansion” he said

“Darling, we have some visitors that we’ll pay a visit not long enough” he said

“Visitors?” I asked

“Werewolves Darling, they needed my aid” he said

“Okay I got it” I answered


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