Chapter 6

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It was Sunday afternoon when I went out to smell the fresh air that woods had offer and spotted Theuos up in the tree.

“Hey what are you doing up there?” I asked

“Like you feeling the breeze” he answered

“Haifa, I am really sorry about yesterday” he said

“Theuos, stop you didn’t hurt me and I’m okay and I forgive you” I said and he kept quite

“So where did you came from?” I asked

“I came from Italy to look for the business of Mr. Bacardi” he said

“What business?” I asked

“A Grape vineyard” he said

“So you make wines?” I asked

“No, we supply them to different company around the world” he said

“You know, when I look on your eyes it’s like you’re thinking of something more” I said

“It’s just that Charles have found someone and I think I’m ready to look for someone out there for me” he said

“But what’s pulling you?” I asked

“My family” he said

“Theuos, I’m sure your family is happy to where they are now and would be very happy to start thinking of yourself too” I said

“She’s right Theuos, take some time for yourself you are free if you will” Charles said as he went out on the tree

“Thank you Charles I will very much think about it” Theuos said

“Now may I ask if what the two of you doing here?” he asked

“I came out to feel the breeze outside and then I saw Theuos up in the tree” I said and then Charles chuckled and said “I know darling I was just testing you”

As he came and wrapped his arms on my waist.

And said “I should head home now”

“I’m ready when you’re ready” he said and we all gone inside.

I went to Charles room and pack my things, grab my toiletries and took my books.

Then in my back he was there.

“I long for you to live with me” he said

“Let’s take it easy” I said as he took my bag and went downstairs.

The car was already waiting for us and this time a Range Rover.

“Come on” he said as I gaze on his shiny car and looked at Theuos to wave goodbye and gave me a smile.

“Charles?” I asked as I was looking at him.

“Why is your eye color changing?” I asked as I notice since the day 1 why it was changing

“It changes every time I drink blood and human food” he said

“It looks perfect in you” I said as he smiled at me.

“Will Theuos stay?” I asked

“Yes he will until I ask of him to do another work for me” he said

“So you don’t travel?” I asked

“Of course we do darling, it’s just that when we do see some animals it’s like a bonus to us from our trip” he said

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