Chapter 19

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 Theuos and I arrived in the high court and was greeted by the holy officials.

“Our dearest Concord” as I bowed “My team and I have come to render our service to protect our kind”

“Charles Harold, my coherent son I am glad to welcome you back to the court” he said as he held on to my head

“Stand up my sons” looking at Theuos and I

“General Harold, I see that you have been briefed” the Concord said walking back and forth

“General Harold, this is a no game that I intend not to play but our greatest enemy had moved in and created an army to defeat us” he said and sat to his chair “This is Bethelda and her husband Wesley – I’ve been told you had helped Bethelda to pass the wolves”

“I did Concord” I replied

“Wesley, please do tell what you saw” the Concord ordered

“General Harold I am very honored to meet you Sir” bowing “Sir, on my way to Tibecca i had come across to the mountains to feed but i scented a smell that was very much of the breach” he was talking but I had to cut in

“Mr. Wesley if I may ask how did you come up knowing that the scent was from the breach?” I asked

“General Harold, you might not have remember me but I was in your research team” he said

“May I take a second to recognize you?” I asked as I looked on to him and went near him wanting to hear his thougt

“My apologize Mr. Wesley yes I had remembered you and you made everything possible for us” I told him

“Thank You Sir – I have admired your work” he smiled

“Continue on Mr. Wesley” i told him

“Ah Yes, I indeed follow the breach stench and got to stumble on a dead vampire from the dark side I had to cover myself with his blood to penetrate and go beyond investigating with my disbelief one seeker had been taken out from the breach and with all the dismay to tell you - I saw Mr. Garrett on command” he stopped and looked at me

“You fool!  - Garrett has been dead for hundreds of years” I told him 

“General Harold” the Concord intervened “My dear General hear his thoughts and do no let your anger mislead you”

I then came near Wesley and had been broken to see that my old friend had gone to the dark side.

“My dear Concord I do not wish to disrespect you but you yourself had saw what fate Garrett’s fate” i told him in lowest voice

“My dear Charles, I myself has been astounded to hear it. I have come to summon you again to eloquent the circumstances” he said

“Concord you do know that Garrett had been my friend” looking at him “And yet you want me to fight him?”

“My dear Charles, I had trained you better that anyone to deal anyone like Garrett” he said

“If I may please take my leave?” I asked looking at him and gave me a nod.

“For now, Concord I will brief my team and scatter them by night for your protection and in the morning I will train them to match the seekers” I said and bowed then left.

“Master Charles” Theuos said as he followed me not wanting to talk about it.

“For now my brother let’s head home and be with the others” I told him as we head on to Hannah’s home

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