Chapter 1

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"Mother for the last time I'm not getting married!" Louis snaps, tired of this, slamming the files on his desk.

"You're twenty seven Louis, you haven't been involved with anyone ever." His mother says, exasperated.

Louis closes his eyes. It wasn't true. He was, he'd fallen in love. He'd fallen in love with a perfect omega. But he...

Louis' expression hardens.

"That's a good thing. I don't want to be involved with anyone and I'm pretty sure no one wants to be involved with me. Don't you know what they talk about me, mother?" Louis says, taking a deep breath.

"Oh Louis, is that what this is all about?" His mother asks, rubbing her sons shoulders sympathetically.

No it wasn't. But he would stall this until death washed over him.

"Yes,mother." Louis says, sighing. If he was anything, he was a good actor. That's how he'd ended up with lead rolls in his school plays. But of course he didn't pursue that as a career. He would have, if his dreams and faith from the world hadn't been broken, snatched from him. Dreams weren't real anymore.

Graduating was difficult after the incident. He could barely make out what was happening around him. But he managed some how. He didn't study for a degree for a drama teacher like he'd originally planned, he'd also planned his wedding but look at him now that's just how life works, he'd studied business instead taking over his fathers company and making it the best out there.

Louis couldn't turn out to be an actor or a teacher, you needed to feel something for that. Louis didn't. Louis wonders what it feels like, being happy and not angry or annoyed or irritated all the time.

"Oh honey, you're a successful businessman they are going to bring you down by insulting you. You aren't supposed to take it to your heart." His mother soothes. It would have soothed him if he did have a heart. The rumours didn't affect him one bit, but he wasn't getting married.

"I'll find someone for you Lou. I'm sure there'll be someone." His mothers coaxes.

Louis knows no one was going to get involved with him, an alpha who didn't care about anyone expect himself, much less marry him.

Louis hated omegas, of course his inner alpha didn't but Louis did and he wasn't going to get married to anyone anytime soon.

"Mother, if you find someone willing to get married to me, I will. But if he doesn't you'll stop bothering me about this thing forever." Louis puts in.

Jay, Louis' mom, claps her hand, "that's a deal."

Louis smirks, even if she does find someone, Louis was sure he could convince them to back the fuck out. And finally he would be free.


Louis squinted his eyes below him. He was currently sitting on the terrace of a two story brick building, his legs dangling from the edge, waiting for Niall to get out so he could throw this bucket of ice could water on him because he deserved it.

Niall was his personal assistant, the only person other than his family Louis could bare to be around. Niall didn't understand the meaning of personal boundaries and Louis couldn't bring himself to get another personal assistant because like he said he couldn't bare anyone.

So when Niall had shoved ice down Louis' shirt Louis seeked revenge.

"What the fuck is taking him so long?" Louis mumbles frowning.

Harry rounds the corner of the street on which the flower shop he worked in was located.

He looked at the cover page of the magazine he had in his hand, Louis Tomlinson on the front page, the business tycoon. Harry admired him really, he single handedly transformed his company into something this huge. And he was really, really, really attractive and Harry wanted to lick his cheekbones and maybe make a house in Louis' collar bones. He was hot and he was an alpha. That's the whole package right there. And Harry was not going to believe in the rumours.

Suddenly Harry was surrounded by a distinct smell that made Harry's knees wobbly. Harry's eyes landed on the figure sitting on the edge of a building—what the fuck?

Harry squinted his eyes and then gaped, his eyes moving from the magazine to the man sitting above Harry. This wasn't actually happening right?

Harry decides to take advantage of the situation it's not like you get to meet famous business men , hot and alpha business men, sitting on a building above you everyday.

"Mr.Louis Tomlinson!" Harry shouts, getting the mans attention, "I'm a huge fan—"

And then Harry is hit with cold water.

Louis smelled him, before he saw him. A displeased frown on his face. His inner alpha was a happy mess, the smell making Louis go crazy. But Louis wasn't going to give in to the omega smell, no matter how sweet or mouth watering it was, he wouldn't do it again.

When the boy started saying something about being a huge fan Louis decided to throw the ice water, which he had originally got for Niall, on him because he was fucking annoying.

"Fuck off!" Louis then shouted at the stunned figure below him.

Harry looked for words but he couldn't form any. Louis Tomlinson was a fucking prick, an asshole who didn't respect anyone. The rumours were in fact true. Harry was just being nice.No matter how hot his alpha era was. No matter how much Harry wanted to submit to the said man.

Fucking asshole. Harry thinks before heading for work, glancing at Louis Tomlinson for one last time.


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