Chapter 13

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Harry takes a shower after Louis. Once he's done (trying to not make a noise while wanking off —the feeling of Louis' thumb digging into his neck burning the skin there was still present and fuck what was that about anyways—was hard but he didn't care at this point) , he put on a t-shirt and black jeans before going out, he didn't want anymore awkward incidents thanks but no thanks. Louis was watching something on TV so Harry decides to join him, maintaining the space between them.

"Lottie called, we'll leave for lunch in an hour." Louis says, from next to him.

"Where are we going?" Harry asks, hoping him and Louis could hold a proper conversation by now.

"Don't know, the twins wanted pizza out of everything so she must have searched something up." Louis says, making Harry giggle, his dimples poking and Louis' heart fluttered.

Turns out Louis was watching the Hangover and Harry laughed loudly a lot, he really tried to stop himself but he really couldn't.

Louis thought he could listen to Harry laugh the whole day.


Lottie and Gemma chose a nice, homey restaurant for lunch. They also made sure both of their brothers were pressed together.

It was just so amusing watching Harry fluster and Louis bite his lips to stop all his fond from rolling out.

Harry making sure there are atleast a little vegetables on Louis' plate. Louis just scowls at it , glaring at Harry but having it none the less.

They go sight seeing after that, at least that's what Lottie says. She takes Harry's phone for pictures and tells Harry and Louis to pose together. They do, Harry blushing when Louis places his hands around Harry's waist and Harry smiles wide. They click one with Ernest and Doris too, each of them holding one. Lottie smiles looking at the picture, if only her brother could get his shit together, she would become an aunt soon enough.

If Harry makes the picture his home screen and lock screen, Louis knows if his smile is anything to go by.


"Lottie, Gemma and I are going to the parlour I think, then everyone will go to the park in the evening." Harry says, slipping his shoes on.

"I can't come today, I have work." Louis says, eyes not leaving his laptop screen.

"Oh okay." Harry says a bit disappointed.

He's about to leave when Louis calls out, "We both have to go for lunch with my client tomorrow. And get me Chinese on your way back, please."

It's not like Louis can not go alone for lunch tomorrow, but everyone brings their wives or husbands or boyfriends and Louis was sure he was going to snap someone's neck one day. He was just taking Harry along so that he doesn't do that. It's not like he wants to rub the fact that Harry's his husband in everyone's faces. Not at all.

Harry grins,"Yeah okay."


"He's taking you out for lunch tomorrow?" Lottie asks, her eyebrows raised, at least her brother got some guts—

"Yeah with some client of his."

Of course, she thinks.

"Leave the ring finger, please." Harry says, blushing, the woman painting his nails black looks up, giving him a smile and winking.

"For how long have you wanted to do that?" Gemma asks, rolling her eyes.

Lottie frowns, "I don't get it?"

"It's like an indication, that's he's taken and 'off' the market. He's a sap when it comes to all this." Gemma adds.

Lottie smiles as Harry whines, she just wished her brother saw how sincere Harry was.


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