Chapter 16

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The go to the beach on their last day in LA.

Harry was very, very, excited , it had been a while since he'd been to a beach and it had been longer since he had a swim.

Louis couldn't make it with them because he had this very 'important' business to take care which had Harry pouting but he really couldn't do anything about it.

After Harry's heat, something had changed between them. Harry thinks. They weren't tensed around each other anymore, they took decisions together. They weren't like other couples, they didn't hold hands in public, they didn't kiss, there was a gap between them when they walked. But Louis' hand brushed against Harry's every now and then and he kept a protective hand over Harry's back when they were somewhere crowded. It wasn't much, but Harry didn't mind. He took what he got.

The first thing Harry did when they reached the beach, was strip and dive into the sea. It had been a while okay?

Rest of them had pulled out their towels and were basking in the sun. Lottie looked up to see Harry surfing, and she whistled.

"I'm just waiting for Louis to show up, really." Gemma said from beside her.

Lottie grinned, "me too."


Louis wasn't expecting what he was seeing when he went to the beach. He wasn't expecting Harry laying on top of a surfboard, his hands spread above him, in only his too small swimming shorts. He gulped. Making his way over to his family, his eyes never leaving Harry.

He looked around if anyone else was looking, and who was he kidding they were and fuck, what was Harry doing? Louis closed his eyes and took a deep breath, he didn't want a boner in front of his sisters nor did he want to cause a scene in front of everyone.

"Hey everyone." He said, trying to smile at them but his head kept turning towards Harry.

"Why don't you go and say hi to Harry dear. Bring him over, it's time for lunch." Jay said, looking at her son.

Louis hesitated.

"Daisy could you go call Harry over?" Louis asked, sitting next to his mother.

Jay sighed.

"Yeah sure thing." Daisy said before running over to Harry, Louis watched as she poked him awake and he smiled at her picking her up and spinning her around, and then running after her all the way back.

Harry smiled looking at Louis and sat down next to him, their knees pressed against each other's. Louis picked up a towel from his mothers bag and draped it over Harry. Glaring at the man staring.

Harry clutched the towel closer to himself, a shy smile on his lips.


When they are back home, something really is different, like Harry said, they can't exactly point out what but it is. They haven't talked about 'feelings' yet , Harry wanted to but he doesn't think Louis does so he let's it be.

When they enter their house, they stand awkwardly in front of the stairs. This is where Louis goes to his room upstairs and Harry to his room on the left.

Louis clears his throat, "Um, I think, my room is big enough for two and um—"

"I'll change and be right there." Harry says, his grin wide.

Louis bites his lips, trying to cover his smile.

"Yeah—I'll go shower too."

They don't cuddle, or snuggle up, but when Harry lays next to Louis, their hands are brushing, their feet touching, and he feels Louis' heat next to him and he's happy still. Like he said, he takes what he gets.


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