Chapter 18

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Going to be late. Shitheads brought up a last minute meeting. Put the girls to bed.

Louis sighs before sending the text to his husband. He really wanted to go home, the moment he stepped in this building he wanted to leave, get a glance of Harry teaching the twins how to bake.Instead he has to stay late and listen to these shit heads.

Okay. Look at the cake the girls made! Miss you xxx

Louis smiles at the text and the image of the cake and the image of Harry with the twins, keeping his phone aside but not before making the picture of Harry and the twins as his lock screen, and paying attention to the men in front of him.

This was going to be harder than he'd thought.


"Harry don't you ever feel bad?" Lottie asks, looking at Harry who was busy making lunch.

Jay and the family had come over today, Louis at work but he'd said he'd come back early. Harry didn't let anyone even touch the food and try to help him.

"Feel bad? Why would I feel bad?" Harry says, turning over and raising his eyebrows at Lottie.

"It's just, you never got what most of the people get. Like you don't get to do all couple-y things with my brother. And just, I don't know you might have expected something right? Like you guys don't even hold hands in front of us or hug." Lottie tries to explain.

Harry frowns, "You're right Lottie, I didn't get what most people get because I got something better. I love Louis, Lottie. And I think, he might love me too. I know things weren't great in the start but it's almost been a year now we've gotten used to it I think. He cares about me, you guys don't see it, but he does, he really does. I wouldn't trade this for anything in the world. And I got to meet you guys, this is the best it gets." He says, smiling now.

Lottie smiles up at him, going over to hug him, "I think you're the best thing that's happened to our family." She says, softly.

"And you guys are the best think that's happened to me. Now c'mon let me go make lunch. Your brother will be home soon." Harry says, letting go of her after planting a kiss on her forehead.

They sit in silence and like Harry had said, Louis did arrive after some minutes. Making a beeline for the kitchen, placing the grocery bags on the counter. And ruffling Lottie's hair up.

"Louis, tie in its place." Harry says, when Louis is about to throw his tie somewhere in the kitchen, the best part Lottie thinks is, Harry isn't even looking at him, he has his back towards Louis.

Louis sighs, going to his room to change.

Once he's back, he stays in the living room, with his mum and family and Lottie joins them too.

Harry calls them when lunch is ready and everyone sits at the table, Louis and Harry next to each other.

Louis smiles, looking at his family in his and Harry's house. He wonders what it'll be like to have so many people around all the time. Maybe kids.

He looks over at Harry, just stares, wondering what it'd be like. Of course they had helped each other out. Louis when Harry was in his heat and Harry when Louis was in his rut. But they'd never talk about kids or Harry being marked yet.

Harry meets his gaze and smiles, Louis gives him a small smile too.

Louis thinks he'd come a long way. He'd never thought he'd fall for an omega again. But here he was, head over heals for his husband.

Yeah, Louis had definitely come a long way.


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