Chapter 7

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Harry wakes up to a very silent house, he doesn't hear the sizzling of the frying pan, his mother cooking them breakfast. He feels lonely and nostalgic. He misses home already and it's not even been a day.

He walks towards the kitchen and looks through the fridge to find hardly anything inside. He frowns, how did this man survive?

He goes through the cabinets and realised that's how. Three-four boxes of cereals and a lot of junk food stuffed inside.

Harry frowns closing the cabinet, removing the eggs and bacon. Well people do say the way to a mans heart is his stomach so Harry could try.

He gets to work, making fried eggs and some bacon, making an omelet with vegetables for himself. He had seen Louis dismiss his vegetables okay? That's how he knew.

Harry was just setting up his plate when Louis walked in, already dressed. Louis raised his eyebrows looking at the breakfast.

"I made you bacon and fried eggs..? There's pancake batter somewhere there I could make that too if you'd like—"

"It's fine." Louis says, sitting on the table and stuffing his face. It had been a while since he had a proper breakfast.

"I would have made tea but I don't know how you like it.." Harry says, nervously, god what was wrong with him.

"Two sugar no milk." Louis says, looking up. Harry gets up slowly, making his tea and placing it in front of Louis and eating his breakfast.

When Louis' is done he puts the plates in the sink and stands in front of Harry, buttoning his sleeves.

"You don't have to do this you know?" Louis says, looking at him, willing himself to admire his green eyes, just for a little time.

"I—wanted to." Harry puts gently, still not looking up.

"Okay." Louis says, picking his bag up, ready to leave.

"Louis!" Harry calls, suddenly.

Louis looks at him, eyebrows raised.

"I um..I have a shift at the flower shop at eleven and I get off at five..I thought I'd inform." Harry says, slowly.

"You do realise you don't have to work anymore." Louis says.

"Katie only has me around so I can't, leave the job and well yeah I like it." Harry says.

"Then I should be back by eight, if I'm not don't wait up for me." Louis says, turning his back to leave again.

"Louis!" Harry calls again, blushing when Louis sighs.

"What now?" He says, snapping.

"Your—um—your lunch?"

"Niall will pick up something for me, if we're free. Don't, just don't fake care about me okay? It's fine you don't have to do anything." And with that Louis leaves.

Harry doesn't have time to feel bad about Louis thinking he's fake caring, too busy thinking Louis won't have proper food for lunch or miss lunch.

Harry decides to get ready, he had to leave for his shift soon. And he had to walk all the way, he had to save up for the groceries, he wasn't living in an empty house thank you very much, and Harry wasn't comfortable asking Louis for money just yet. Maybe he never will be.

Harry was putting on his shoes when there was a knock on his door, he frowned. He wasn't expecting anyone.

He opened to door to see a driver? A beta driver.

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