Chapter 3

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Harry squirmed under Louis' glare. If looks could kill Harry would be dead over a hundred times by now. But Harry also wanted to get down on his knees for the man too, his smell was intoxicating, Harry could be drunk off it.

"So, the marriage will held on 28th September. Three months from now, how does that sound Anne?" Jay asks, smiling widely, ignoring her son shooting daggers at everyone.

"That would be lovely, Harry?" His mother asks looking at him.

"Yeah that'll be..nice.." Harry mumbles, his hands placed on his lap, Harry wanted to make as little contact as possible with anything in the Tomlinson mansion. Everything looked so expensive Harry thought he would cause damage if he even touched anything.

"Niall please make sure Louis doesn't have anything scheduled for two weeks before the marriage." Harry hears Jay speak to the blonde man standing behind Louis who starts to jot it down. Harry thinks he might be an assistant of some sorts.

"Niall fetch me some whiskey too." Harry hears Louis speak for the first time that day.

Niall frowns, "It's right in front of you." Niall says, dismissing Louis and focusing on what Louis' mother has to say.

Louis just sighs and picks up the glass in front of him. Harry was surprised Louis didn't order to cut off his head or something.

Oh so when Harry speaks to him nicely he gets water on his face and when Niall says something he respected it. Oh fantastic. If Niall wouldn't reek of another alpha all over him, Harry would have been jealous. Kind of.

"So Anne we should let these two talk then, yeah? Alone. We'll go grab some tea." Jay says and gets up leaving the room , Anne and Niall behind her.

Harry internally groans.

"Call off the wedding." He hears Louis say after a few minutes of silence.

"What?" Harry asks, dumb folded.

"I said, call off the wedding." Louis demands.

Harry crosses his arms across his chest, clearly pissed, "Your mother was the one who came up with the proposal. You shouldn't really be having a problem with this and I'm not calling of the wedding. If you want this to not happen so bad, you can do it yourself." Harry snaps.

"I can't call it off because I promised my mother, I was hoping you would." Louis says, his eyebrows scrunched up.

"Then too bad you're stuck with me." Harry says.

They stay in silence for a few minutes before Louis again asks.

"What did she offer?"

"What?" Harry asks confused.

"My mother, what did she offer you and your family?" Louis asks.

"My father would get out of jail and get a job. My family would have enough." Harry says, softly then.

Louis doesn't say anything after that. Just gets up and leaves.

Harry puts his face in his hands, feeling defeated. Trying not to cry.

Harry raises his eyebrows when Gemma throws a pouch at him.

"Take that and leave Harry. Run away make a life. I'm not letting you marry this Dickinson." She says.

Harry looks into the pouch to find money.

"Hey don't talk about my future husband like that," Harry says, jokingly. Gemma doesn't smile though.

He sighs, "Gemma I could have said no. I'm doing this for us. I'll be fine."


"No buts Gemma, now come on cuddle me I won't be here after the next three months." Harry says, opening his arms.

Harry wonders if he'll even get cuddles.

"Stop doing things for other people Harry. It'll come to bite you in the butt someday." Gemma says.

"I was hoping the bite will be somewhere else but oh well." Harry jokes.

"Dickinson doesn't realise what he's getting. If he doesn't treat you well I'll punch him in the throat."

Harry just laughs and kisses his sister's forehead.

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