Chapter 14

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Harry glares at the man eyeing Lottie , placing his hand behind Lottie's back and guiding her away from there.

Lottie rolls her eyes, Harry and Louis were the same really.

They were roaming the streets, buying things they liked, Harry paying for everything. He was the elder one here, and he finally could. Louis wouldn't mind him spending on his sister.

Harry stops when they pass a tattoo parlour, looking at the rose and dagger one.

"Louis and you could get complimentary ones, it'll be cute." Lottie says.

Harry blushes, "Don't say that in front of your brother please."

"You can just call him Louis, you know." Gemma says, rolling her eyes.

"I'm never coming with you guys ever again, you're bullies really." Harry says, pouting.

Both of the snicker.

"And I know what both of you are trying to do." He says, accusingly.

"Guilty." Lottie says, raising her hands.

"Just don't push it too much, it's going well. And I don't want to push my luck." Harry states before walking ahead.

Lottie and Gemma exchange a look and just sigh.


Harry walks into his room and sees Louis napping he smiles and keeps his bags on the side and gently slips on his side of the bed. They had taken the opposite ends of the bed, because of course. Harry would have loved a cuddle but he takes what he gets.

Harry turned looking at Louis, his face calm, his eyelashes gently resting against his cheekbones.

Harry wanted to reach out and pull Louis closer, he almost did but then he shook his head and got up. Going to his mother and sister's room, and cuddling with them and napping. What? He loved cuddles and being affectionate and clingy. He just couldn't do that with his husband. Yet.


Lunch with Louis' client was well the best thing that ever happened to Harry and the most awkward thing that ever happened to Harry.

He couldn't really talk much because he had no idea what on earth were they talking about. But the other person had brought his wife along who conversed with Harry and how his wedding was so beautiful and he looked lovely. Harry blushed and thanked her.

And Louis well. He kept touching Harry in some way or maybe they were accidents, Harry thinks Louis putting his arm behind Harry's chair wasn't an accident, he also thinks Louis putting his hand around Harry's waist when the met them and when they left wasn't an accident either. But their hands brushing under the table, or Louis saying "Pass me the salt, love." Or their hands brushing when Louis gave Harry something or took something from Harry could be an accident.

Harry didn't mind though.


Lottie was telling Harry to give Louis a 'show' in his 'new' clothes on his birthday, making Harry blush scarlet telling her to 'shut up' .

Of course Harry put on his favourite pair of pastel pink panties but it wasn't like Louis would know.
Harry wished he could have baked Louis' cake himself but he really couldn't. But he wish him Happy Birthday in the morning and placed a kiss on his cheeks. It had taken a lot of courage, he almost didn't do it, but in the end he did it and then sprinted outside, looking flustered and Lottie wiggling her eyebrows at him.

Louis came down looking equally flustered and Lottie gave Harry a look, sending a silent "What did you do?"

"I just wished him Happy Birthday and kissed his cheek." Harry says when Lottie asks him , pulling him in a corner later.

She groans, "you guys are like sixth graders with a crush honestly."

Everyone's gives their presents to Louis at breakfast, cutting his cake singing Happy Birthday loudly , everyone looking at them but Harry was so happy, surrounded by the people he loved.

Louis put on the adidas cap Harry had given him, on spot (Harry grinning like a fool) and thanking Harry for the t-shirt and shoes.

Harry tunes out everyone else's conversation, not paying attention to what they got him, just smiling looking at Louis' face because Louis was happy and smiling and Harry loved his smiley face. Harry loved him. He realises then, and when Louis looks up to him, grinning widely, he wonders if Louis loves him too.


"Lottie no!" Harry says, whining.

"Lottie yes!" Gemma adds.

"How about we ask Louis himself, it's his birthday after all." Lottie says, rolling her eyes. They were currently sitting in Lottie's room, Lottie making plans for reserving a table at a fancy restaurant for Harry and Louis only. Harry was against the idea because he was sure Louis didn't want to.

She texts her brother

Should I book a table for you and Haz tonight?


She gets a reply.

"See I told you!" Harry says, covering his eyes, he was peeking into Lottie's phone because of course he wanted to go. But Lottie's phone buzzes again.

Have a conference call at eight. Reserve for tomorrow night.

Lottie turns around and smirks at Harry then, wiggling her eyebrows.

Harry just lays on his bed, covering his eyes, trying to contain his grin but failing miserably.


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