Chapter 10

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"Yes Gemma I'm fine. Yes Gems I'm happy." Harry says, rolling his eyes and framing the picture before him, a smile on his lips.

"Were fine, infact we're good." He says, they really were they had fallen in routine and he couldn't really ask for anything more.

"Yeah I'll talk to you later." He says, keeping his phone down and getting up to place the picture of both of their families and them together , on the wall right in the centre.

This was his family now and he was happy. To some extent. He did feel lonely lying on his bed alone but like he said you can't have everything.

He bits his lips, picking up the framed picture of just him and Louis and taking it to his room and placing it on the nightstand next to his bed.

He was going to try, and he hoped everything would fall into place someday.


Harry knew it was going to happen. He shouldn't be so heartbroken when Louis told him. He was just hoping it didn't happen. But of course it did.

Harry could literally smell Louis' rut coming. He had to press his legs a little tighter, and focus on not getting wet. He was just hoping Louis would ask him and not–

"I won't be home for three four days next week." Louis said during dinner, they had been married for two months now, Harry was hoping this wouldn't have been the case.

Harry took a deep breath, "okay." He said, gently.

He just hoped Louis spent it alone and not with some stupid omega who wasn't Harry, his husband.


Of course Louis spent it with some stupid omega who was not Harry. Harry could smell it on his clothes when he washed them.

Oh so Harry cooks for him, washes his stupid clothes, looks after his house and he spend his rut with some stupid Harry wiped his angry tears. At least he could have burnt the clothes so Harry wouldn't have known. It would have hurt less.

You just fucking wait Louis Tomlinson. Harry thinks angrily.

And if he doesn't take his suppressants after that, Louis Tomlinson fucking deserves it.
Harry wasn't talking to Louis. Louis had no idea why. And the silent treatment was getting on Louis' nerves. Harry could just say why he was being a prick.

Harry had wondered off to buy 'groceries' and meet his family and will be back by 'six' when Louis had the day off. It's not like Louis wanted to spend his day off bonding with his husband or anything.

His rut was horrible, the omega beneath him just didn't feel right and all he could think about was Harry and his stupid green eyes and red lips.

Louis spent the day loathing around, watching some movie and eating the food Harry had cooked for him. He was miserable the whole day.

And when the clock struck seven and Harry wasn't home still, Louis couldn't tell himself that Harry was just running late because he also wasn't picking up his damn phone (Louis was smiling down at his phone for like five minutes because of the 'husband' but he won't admit that no)
So Louis went on the search himself.


Harry hadn't planned this, he shouldn't have told Mark to leave. He just thought walking home would clear his head. Who the fuck knew he would be pushed to the corner by some stupid alpha and another alpha with an omega who just watched smiling. What was wrong with that guy?

"Please let me go." Harry whimpered, clutching his groceries.

"Oh look he's married!" The guy said, laughing, picking up Harry's left hand and showing off his ring.

"Such a shame he didn't mark you, we could change that." The boy with brown hair and piercing blue eyes said, a smirk on his face.

Harry didn't spend twenty four years of his life un marked to have this dude mark him. He tried to fight, key word tried. The other guy took both of his hands and held it behind him.

Should have taken those boxing lesson instead of ballet, Harry thinks. Gulping.

Harry closes his eyes, tears falling down rapidly.

"Please let me go, please don't do this." Harry whimpers one more time.

"He's got cash on him too! Husband earns a lot doesn't he?" The one behind him says.

Removing all the money from his wallet and stuffing it in his pocket.

Not the money, Louis had given it to him before he left and one of his credits cards. He's never going to trust Harry again. Harry cries harder.

He closes his eyes, he'd thought life couldn't get worse but apparently it can. He waits for someone else's teeth to sink in but nothing happens. He hears a yelp which wasn't his and he opens his eyes.

He sees Louis and thank god shit.

The tight grip on his hand loosens and Harry sinks on the floor, vision blurry with tears. He sees Louis hitting the people, getting hurt himself, but he can't get himself to move.

Louis looks at the other omega who was standing there watching his alpha get beat up, Louis looks at the eyes he had once loved.

"Louis..?" He asks.

"Didn't know you could stoop lower." Louis spits out. He doesn't feel the familiar ache when he sees him, he doesn't feel anything.

Then he turns back to his husband and his heart does ache, he rushes over to him, kneeling besides him.

"Harry?" He asks.

Harry looks up to him, his eyes red from crying and he doesn't care what Louis is going to think, he just gets up and throws himself on louis hugging him tightly. Taking in the familiar smell.

"Louis—I—" he tries, clutching Louis tightly, squeezing his eyes.

Louis hugs him back, "It's okay, let's go home okay?" He says, rubbing Harry's back.

Harry pulls away, letting go of Louis reluctantly. Louis grabs his hand though and Harry thinks he'll be okay.


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