Chapter 8

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Harry made pancakes for breakfast the next day. And he had packed sandwiches for Louis' lunch. Harry wasn't going to let him go another day without lunch.

When Louis came down to the kitchen, pancakes and tea was already there on the table ready for him. And Harry was frowning looking down at his phone.

Louis sat down on the chair, digging into his breakfast.

"What's wrong?" Louis asks, when Harry doesn't quit tapping on his screen and frowning.

"Jay gave me this new phone and I was trying to download music? But I don't know just how? I've never had this before.." Harry says, blushing.

Louis wanted to kiss his cheeks.

"Here I'll show you," Louis says extending his hand for Harry's phone, "I'll put in my ID so you can just go and download whatever you want here." Louis says, showing Harry just from where to download the music.

"Oh, okay thank you." Harry says, taking his phone back.

"Yeah." Louis says, before continuing to eat.

When Louis was done and leaving Harry called after him. He sighed. Now what.

"I packed this for your lunch, they're sandwiches, so like even if you don't have time you can have them while doing work." Harry says, extending a packed box towards Louis.

Louis just looks at it, because who cares if Louis had food or not for lunch. Apparently this man. He's just faking it. The voice again started in his head.

Louis takes the box gently, "Thank you." He whispers, and leaves.

Once in the confinement of his car he rests his head against the steering wheel.

He let out a quiet sob. He didn't want to get his heart broken again.


Louis stares at the box in front of him.

"What the hell is in there and why do you look like you're going to snog it?" Niall says, going over and opening the box. Louis hits his hand away.

"It's lunch, for me." Louis says.

"Oh so the hubby packed lunch for you how cute." Niall coos.

"Don't you have work or something?" Louis snaps at him.

"Don't you have too?" Niall shoots back.

Louis sighs, going back to work, eating his sandwiches in between.

Harry and Louis fell in the routine of sorts. They used to have breakfast together and then go for work. Harry packing lunch for Louis and then having dinner at night together with little conversation initiated by Harry.

The weekend had arrived and Harry was trying to muster up the courage to just ask Louis. He's your husband for fucks sake.

"Louis um.." Harry started, placing his fork down, "I was hoping we could go shopping um, I've wanted some utensils and groceries and other stuff for the house?"

He didn't look up to see Louis' reaction.

"We can go tomorrow," Louis puts in gently,"mother has called us for lunch on Sunday."

"Yeah, I got the message. It's the twins' birthday." Harry puts in.

"Yeah we'll have to buy something for them too." Louis says.

They don't talk after that. Harry to flustered for some reason and Louis trying to calm his beating heart and not kiss Harry on the lips.


Harry sits in the car, putting his seatbelt on, Louis next to him.

Him and Louis, his husband, his spouse were going shopping for their house. Harry would die from happiness, he doesn't care if Louis liked him or not they were okay and going shopping for their house. This was possibly the best day of his life. Plus Harry was going to die if Louis kept existing, he was wearing a black sweater and dark denim jeans, sunglasses perched on his nose and Harry would let Louis ruin him.

"Did you make a list?" Louis asked starting the car and backing out of their driveway, pulling Harry out of his daze.

"Yeah um, there's some food stuff and then I was thinking we'll get a dining set if someone decides to come over, some utensils, some baking stuff, do you need new bedsheets ?"

"Yeah getting new ones won't hurt." Louis adds.

"So bed sheets, maybe a vase for the living room it's rather bare." Harry says, scrunching his nose up.

Louis was going to die. Harry's sheer, see through shirt was already fucking him up and the fact he had like half of his shirt un buttoned didn't make this better, his butterfly tattoo on display.

"Alright." Louis says.

They sit in silence then and suddenly Louis remembers something.

"I don't have your number, put it in won't you?" Louis says, handing Harry his phone.

Harry smiles at the background of Louis with the twins, before putting in his number.

He puts in Harry before erasing it, he bites his lips, blushing, before saving his number as 'husband' , if Louis had a problem he could always change it.


Harry frowns looking at the two dinner sets in front of him.

"Get the white one." Louis puts in, it wasn't like he was paying attention or anything he just wanted to get this over with.

Harry grins before picking it up and placing it in the trolley.

They go to buy groceries next, Harry choosy in picking the vegetables.

Louis squinted at the man checking out Harry shamelessly. Harry too busy picking out his damn vegetables. Louis moved then, standing next to Harry blocking out the mans view, placing a gentle hand on Harry's back.

Harry was going to faint, Not only was Louis standing extremely close to him but also Louis had a hand on Harry's back. Harry didn't move obviously, leaning into the touch more like.

When they walked out together, bags in their hands, Harry claimed it really was the best day of his life.

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