Chapter 11

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They don't speak when they get back home. Louis drags Harry to the washroom, removing the first aid kit and cleaning the wounds on Harry's face. He does it gently, Harry doesn't look up at him.

Harry's wrists were bruised and Louis hated the smell of other Alphas on Harry but he dug his nails into his palm, trying not to get angry.

"Don't do that." Harry says, grabbing Louis' hand and opening it up.

He doesn't say anything about the blood, just caresses it gently.

"Why didn't you come back with Mark?" Louis says, ignoring his heart fluttering.

"I...I—" Harry sighs, but decides to tell the truth because what Louis did was wrong, "I was mad at you. I know you cheated, I know you spent your rut with...some omega...who wasn't me.."Harry says, not meeting Louis' eyes.

Louis stares at him, mouth agape, he became the person he despised—he—"I'm—I'm sorry, fuck I'm really sorry Harry, I didn't think–" he takes in a breath,"you have every right to be mad at me. But I didn't know how you felt about it...or about me. I'm sorry."

"It's okay I guess, I'm still mad but, I understand ? won't do it again, will you?" Harry asks, timidly.

"Of course not, I'm really sorry, Harry."


"Please don't go anywhere without Mark again unless it's really necessary?" Louis asks, gently.

"Yeah—I won't." Harry says.

They stand there silently before Harry speaks, "I'm sorry, he took the money, you can have your card back—"

"Harry you could have been hurt worse than this and you think I care about the money? Have you lost it?" Louis says, voice loud.

"Sorry." Harry says.

"You knew the omega didn't you?" Harry whispers, after that.

Louis sighs, "I was never like this you know? I wanted what everyone else wanted too once. But then I realised it was all a fantasy, you don't get what you want."

But I got you. Harry wants to say but he keeps his mouth shut.

"I'll go order dinner, you go clean yourself up." Louis says, before leaving Harry there.

Harry wants to kill that omega, he had Louis, and he let him go. Fucking idiot. And he turned Louis into this, made Louis cynical. Harry wishes he'd met Louis instead of that dumb fuck.

They have dinner and go back to their respective rooms to sleep. Harry grips the frame of him and Louis , as he sleeps. And if he knows that Louis comes to check up on him in the middle of the night he doesn't say anything.


Nothing really changes between them, they follow the same routine. Louis just starts calling Harry when he is about to leave for work and when he's about to leave from work. When Mark takes the day off he drops Harry and picks him up. Harry doesn't mind the new arrangement, he really doesn't.

"We're going on a holiday to LA for Louis' birthday! And Christmas of course. Louis' birthday being on the 24th." Lottie exclaims.

Harry frowns because he didn't know it was Louis' birthday.

"I don't have days off—"

"Niall cleared your schedule, the tickets are already booked. Anne and Gemma are coming too. Its final." Lottie says, looking Louis challengingly.

Louis just sighs.

"When are we leaving then?!" Harry asks excitedly.


Louis was the laziest person Harry knows. Harry as to pack his bag for him too.

"We can just buy stuff from there!" Louis had said, but Harry being the wonderful husband he is packs Louis' bag anyway.

"Do you want this ?" Harry asks, from where he's standing in front of Louis' wardrobe, picking out a shirt.

"Just put in whatever you want to." Louis says, dismissingly, going back to work on his laptop, his glasses on.

Harry loved when Louis wore his glasses, but no one has to know that.

Harry huffed and put in his favourite Louis clothes, humming as he did so.

Louis peeked up from his glasses, enjoying the sight more that he should. This is what it'll be like if starts living in your room—Louis shakes his head. But he could get used to it, he thinks.


Harry and Louis go shopping for Christmas presents before they have to leave. Harry secretly buys a green polo t-shirt for Louis and some adidas shoes too, hoping Louis didn't notice.

Louis hesitates before he picks the silver necklace, an airplane for a locket, it had just reminded him of Harry and he buys it before his brain can convince him not too. He might have slipped in a pink and a lavender coloured sweater in there too. It's not like he thinks Harry looks adorable wearing them.


Lottie drags Harry for shopping too, and if she catches him staring at laced panties and buying more than one for him, making Harry blush the whole time. No one has to know.

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