Chapter 5

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Shopping was Lottie was fun. Harry almost felt ashamed when he couldn't pay for everything Lottie bought, he wanted to get her everything, because she was just so nice and lovely and he felt attached to her already, like a big brother.

"My sister will love you." Harry says when they're having lunch, which Harry pays for thank you very much.

"I didn't know you had a sister! We'll meet her before the wedding right? For rehearsals and all that?" Lottie says, eating her pasta.

"Yeah you will." Harry says smiling.

"You know when my mum first told about my brother getting married, I was so mad. Because my brother is supposed to fall in love and all that right? But I think you guys could fall in love, you're wonderful Harry." Lottie says.

Harry smiles at her, "I don't think your brother likes me all that much."

"He doesn't really like anyone. It's just us and Niall. Because we've been with him for long enough. He'll loosen up, just don't give up on him. My brother deserves you." Lottie says, patting Harry's hand.

Harry decides he could try.


Harry stares at the blue tie, biting his lips, thinking how good Louis' will look, the blue of his eyes enhancing and yeah he'd look really good.

"You could buy it for him you know?" Lottie says from besides him.

"He'll never wear it." Harry sighs.

"I could always tell him I got it for him. He'll never know." Lottie says, shrugging.

"Make him wear it on the wedding day, that's all." Harry says, picking it up and going to the cash counter. If Harry spends his last penny on that stupid, branded tie. No one had to know.


Louis doesn't show up for the measurement of their suits with Harry and he doesn't come for cake testing and he doesn't even come for deciding the decorations. Harry shows up everyday hoping Louis would too. But he never does. Harry tries not to feel too bad about it.

"When am I going to meet my future brother in law?" Gemma says , looking at their cracked ceiling.

"Well you could meet his sisters, they're all very nice in fact we could meet them right now!" Harry says, smiling.

"Well they've certainly won your heart, so they must me nice. You want to go meet them?"

"Yes please."


Gemma and Lottie get along splendidly, Harry grins when they talk, too lost in their world.

Harry goes to meet the twins but he finds Fizzy, near a window, crying.

"Fizzy?" Harry asks, going over to her.

She quickly wipes her tears.

"Are you okay,love?" Harry asks, his hand on her head.

"You'll tell Louis." She says.

"I won't I promise, what's wrong?" Harry asks, sitting next to her.

"My boyfriend well he broke up with me. Louis knows we've gotten into a fight but he doesn't know about us separating. He'll kill that guy. I'm trying to be okay it's just so hard. I'd thought he was the one. I was just very stupid." She says, resting her forehead on Harry's shoulder.

Harry wants to say, I know how that feels but instead he says,

"Want a hug?"

"Yes please."

Harry pulls her in for a tight hug, rubbing her back, "It's okay to be sad, but it's not the end of the world. There'll be someone out there who'll love you so much. You're a wonderful girl, Fizzy."

"I'm happy my brother found you." She says, smiling at Harry.

Harry smiles back at her.

I wish your brother was happy too.


Gemma ends up meeting Louis that day. He'd come home from work, and when he was walking towards his room loosening his tie,his blazer in his hand(it was the hottest thing Harry had seen and Gemma hit him and told him not to drool) when he noticed Gemma was there. Harry expected him to walk away, he almost did but then Harry gave him this eye.

Please be nice to my sister I won't ask for anything more. Harry wished Louis heard that, hoped he conveyed the message through his eyes.

Louis sighed before making his way over, "You must be Gemma, Harry's sister, innit?" He did hear Harry and his mother talk about her, he hoped he wasn't making a fool of himself. And Harry was good to his sisters, so he should be good to his too.

"That'll be me. It's lovely to finally meet you Louis." She says, smiling.

"The pleasure is all mine," Louis says smiling, he then adds "you're staying for dinner, right?"

"Yes." Gemma replies.

"Then I'll be back, have to make some phone calls and make myself at home." He says before leaving.

Harry releases a breath from where he was standing next to his sister. He was more scared than his sister, apparently.

"He's not that bad." Gemma says, shrugging.

Harry just grins.

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