Chapter 19

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Dinner reservation for eight. Dress fancy. Pick you up at 7:30.

Harry smiles at the text but then frowns.

Won't you be tired after work?

Harry sends back. He could literally see Louis sigh when he gets a reply.

Just be ready.

And of course Harry was ready by seven thirty, who was he to deny his alpha?


Dinner was great, Louis made Harry laugh through out and they were having wine and everything was so bright and fucking nice. Harry wondered how long this would last, because he doesn't remember being so happy for so long, ever. Maybe he'll be this happy forever now, with Louis by his side.

Louis asked Harry about his photography course , and yeah Harry had started that after his chat with Louis in his office that day. Louis had rung up the best one there was and got Harry enrolled. Harry just loved him a lot. Harry in return asked how Louis' work was and Louis had groaned and complained and said he was tired and that they needed to go on a vacation. Harry didn't mind it one bit.

When they were about to leave Louis had to go to the washroom so Harry waited outside for him.

He was standing there, looking up at the stars and just thinking how fucking happy he was.


Of course, his happiness couldn't last for long.

"Aaron?" Harry said, looking at his ex-boyfriend, dressed in a suit.

"Harry!" He then says, pulling Harry in for a hug. Harry awkwardly pats his back.

And of course Louis walks out right then.

Harry sees Louis glare. Shit fuck.

"It's so good to see you, Haz. It's been so long, how have you bee?" Aron asks.

Maybe he was stupid or he chose to ignore Louis' smell all over him.

"I'll be in the car Harry." He hears Louis says, before he goes back to the car. Harry winces when the car door slams shut.

"Who was that?" Aaron asks again.

Harry sighs, "Hey Aron, I'm fantastic. And that's my husband, Louis." Harry says.

"Husband? You already—"

Harry scrunches his eyebrows up, cutting him off he snaps, "You made your decision six years ago Aaron. I can do whatever the fuck I want. He's my husband and I'm in love with him. And now I have to go." With that, Harry leaves.

Harry sighs when he sits in the passenger seat of the car. Louis backs out of the driveway immediately .

The car drive was silent, Harry could see Louis' knuckles had become white because he was gripping the steering wheel so tightly.

When they reached home, they stood in the living room.


"Do you want to be with him?" Louis asks. Harry sees Louis fists and he knows Louis is hurting himself.

"Louis what are you talking about—"

"You want to be with him, don't you?" Louis asks looking up and there's tears in his eyes.

Harry steps forwards, hands gently caressing his cheeks, "Louis no, what are you talking about?" Harry says, frowning.

Harry doesn't expect Louis' legs to give out and for Louis to sob. Louis sits on the floor, his face in his hands and he cries.

"Oh Lou, I don't want to be with him. Why would you even think that? I love you Louis. " Harry says, running his fingers through Louis' hair.

"Please don't leave me Harry. Please I won't—I can't lose you. I love you." Louis says, resting his head on Harry's shoulder.

"I love you so much Louis. I, wouldn't even think of being with anyone but you. Okay? I'm not going anywhere. I'll be right here with you for as long as I can be." Harry says, kissing the top of Louis' head.

"Please don't be lying Harry." Louis whispers.

Harry makes Louis look into his eyes, he wipes the tears, "I love you Louis. I want you to mark me, claim me. I want to have your children Louis. Lots of them. And I want to be with you forever. Do you understand me?" Harry says, placing a gentle kiss on Louis' lips.

Louis looks at him, "Really?"

"Hundred percent Louis. God we're married Louis. What makes you think I'll leave you for anyone?"

Louis moves his mouth, trying to form words.

"It has to do something with that omega, doesn't it?" Harry asks, pulling Louis closer to him.

"I loved drama. I loved singing. I was loud. Happy, always happy. No matter what. I never worried about finding a mate. I knew they'd come some day. Then one day he came along. I fell in love with him. I loved him so much. I gave him so much. He used to always dodge mating questions, but he said he loved me. I believed him. One day he said we could finally do it. He asked me to meet me at this room. I went and he was there with some other alpha and he laughed at me Harry. I loved him and he just. I asked him what I ever did to him. He said I was good but not good enough and I just I gave everything to him Harry..." Louis says with a shuddering breath.

"He's fucking stupid for letting you go, but I have you now Louis and I'm never letting go." Harry says, smiling at him.

"Promise?" Louis asks, looking into Harry's green eyes.

"Promise," Harry says, then he continues, "the guy there, he was my ex boyfriend. We were together and everything. He was rich and his family didn't approve of me and he chose them over me so, yeah."

"What a dick." Louis snorts, but then he smiled at Harry.

Harry's heart swells when Louis smiles, "I love you.", he says.

"I love you too."


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