Chapter 20

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"Papa are we there yet , are we there yet?!" Grace asks, from the backseat.

"We haven't even left you idiot." Jason says, hitting his sister with his elbow.

"Keep your hands to your self!" Daniel shouted, hitting his brother.

"Children," Louis says, turning back from where he was sitting in his drivers seat, "you have a small sister on the booster seat there. Be careful." Louis says.

"Rose is just fine, aren't you girl?" Grace says, cooing at her sister, little Rose giggles at that.

"Alright, we're all set." Harry says, slipping into the passenger seat.

"Careful." Louis says, his hand resting on the bump which was now showing.

Harry rolls his eyes, "I have had four of them, I'll be fine, Lou."

"Dad what did the doctor say?! Is it a boy or a girl?" Daniel, the eldest of their children says.

"Yeah Haz, what did she say?" Louis asks.

Harry bites his lips, his dimples popping up, "They're twins, a boy and a girl." Harry says.

Harry takes in Louis' big smile and lets his heart swell.

"It's going to be six of us! How cool is that?!" Grace says, jumping up and down.

"Now children settle down and wear your seat belts or we'll never make it to Grandma's house." Louis says sternly.

The children listen but it doesn't stop them from making noise.

Harry smiles.

He loved his life and judging by the way Louis' smiled looking at their kids, he knew Louis did too.

Louis took Harry's hand in his, squeezing it.

Harry couldn't have asked for anything more.


"Louis, would you—Daniel get off the table!—Louis Rosie." Harry says, huffing, catching his breath, sitting down on the couch.

Louis makes a beeline for his daughter, picking her up from the floor and going to sit next to Harry.

"Are you okay?" Louis asks.

Harry rests his head on Louis' shoulder, snuggling closer to him.

"I'm just tired." Harry mumbles, his eyes shut.

"I told you to take a nap." Louis says, running his fingers through Harry's hair.

"I'm gonna take one now." Harry mumbles.

"We want in in the family like too!" Grace shouts, tucking herself next to Harry, Daniel and Jason finding places too.

"We love you Dad." Grace says, her hand resting on his stomach.

"And I love all of you too." Harry says, his voice sleepy.

"Aw look at you guys!" Jay says, before taking a picture of them.

Louis smiles at his mother. He is so happy she made him get married to Harry. God, he loved him and his kids.

He comes home to his husband and kids, Louis thinks he's blessed and couldn't ask for anything more.


Jason waves at his family who was sitting on the stands, cheering for him. His fathers each holding the twins, his new siblings.

His dads were embarrassing sometimes, shouting and cheering, always the loudest during his football matches.

He remembers his first day of school when Dad had got teary eyed, "Be yourself okay? We love you and we're all so proud."

"I don't think he needs you crying Harry." His papa had added, "All the best son, have fun."

It was the same for all of them.

They were just as embarrassing during Grace's ballet performances and Daniel's debates or recitals. But Jason loved his family. And he had the best fathers in the world.



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