Chapter 2

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Harry smiled looking down at the cactus and the daisy plant he had brought with him. Things at home were finally looking good, despite everything, he didn't have three jobs anymore, and he thought he'd gift himself something. It wasn't like he had to pay for it. Katie, the woman who owns the flower shop Harry works in, loved Harry and let him have them.

His eyes widened when he saw a police car in front of his house.

What the hell was happening?

He rushed towards his house, which was falling apart, making his way through the crowd.

His stood there stunned, watching his father in handcuffs being shoved towards the car. He looked Harry in the eye.

"Take care of them." He said to Harry when he was close enough and then he was gone just like that. The crowd around Harry disappeared and Harry just stood there, he couldn't move.

Then he heard crying and he knew he had to get his shit together. He walked inside his house, placing the plants on the windowsill and sat down next to his mother, pulling her in for a hug.

"What—what happened?" Harry asked.

His mother pulled from the hug, her eyes casted down. Harry looked over to his sister, Gemma, who looked just as upset.

"Your father, he was delivering We needed the cash, desperately so, and he had to do something. He got involved with the wrong people and he was blamed guilty for something he didn't even do, one of them...they killed someone...and your father was framed." His mother ended.

Harry just looked at his sister, trying to process everything.

"Your father isn't a bad person, he just wanted you guys to have everything you wanted." His mother said.

Harry watched his sisters eyes get angry.

"Oh so he thinks delivering drugs is the answer?! He could have just gotten a job which paid little, it wasn't like he could undo the past. Harry isn't getting his scholarship back, he isn't getting into Uni, and we have moved past the age where we actually want something fancy. The only thing we wanted was family and now father had to go and fuck that up too. So don't you dare defend him mother." Gemma snarled.

Harry's mother didn't look into their eyes, Gemma was still heaving with anger.

"Come one Gemma. Let's go to bed." Harry says, walking towards his sister , taking her hand gently and guiding her to the room they shared.

Later when they were snuggled together Gemma spoke, letting out a sob "I'm so sorry I couldn't do anything for you Harry. I'm so sorry."

"It's okay Gemma I'm over it. I've realised some things aren't meant for you. Maybe someday Katie would pay me enough to go to college, the head florist." Harry says, trying to joke.

"You could go I have some money saved and I'm sure I'll get a job soon enough and you could go study Harry, you should—"

"Gemma, you have to think for yourself. You have to get out into the world. You need everything you've got." Harry says, cutting her off.

"And what about you? You're going to get out there too. What then? It's not fair, you didn't even get a chance for a big shot." Gemma grumbles.

Harry smiles down at his sister, "Oh Gemma, we can't lose hope. That's the only thing we've got. Besides, I've got you and mum and Katie. I'm going to be okay."

"You are too good for this world Haz."

"I'm just as good as anyone else Gems, we just don't see."

Harry hummed, walking out of his room (he wanted to keep his plants inside, they were good friends and listeners) when he heard two voices.

"You don't have to worry about finding a lawyer for your husband or how you'll make ends meet after that. I'll make sure he has a job that pays enough to pay for everyone in your family and your son will be happy too. But of course I have to get what I want in return." He heard a woman say.

Harry walked towards the kitchen where a woman, dressed in clothes that cost more that Harry's whole wardrobe and self was sitting, not quite fitting in their kitchen with creaking floors and chipped cups. His mother in front of her.

He watched his mother hesitate and then speak, "I don't know Jay, I have to talk to my son about it. This will only be agreed to if my son agrees."

"Of course take your time. You have my number, call me if you do agree other wise I'll talk to you when we meet for brunch." She says, getting up, "it was nice meeting you again Anne."

"The pleasure was all mine, Jay." He heard his mother say .

Harry smiled at her and said a 'hello' as she passed him on her way out receiving a greeting and wide smile in return.

"What was that all about?" Harry asked once she'd gone.

Anne, Harry's mother sighed, "She was Mrs.Tomlinson, mother of Louis Tomlinson the business tycoon or whatever he is," Anne started. The fuck? Atleast she didn't throw cold water at people.

"And?" Harry urged.

"And well we were best friends in high school, she still meets me every now and then,"

Wow, his mother was friends with her.

"Well she came here with a marriage proposal. For you." His mother finally said.

"For me? With whom? Does she know I don't swing the straight way?" Harry says,frowning.

"With her son, Louis Tomlinson. And I might have slipped you being an omega sometime when we were having lunch together. You don't have to do it. I know how much you want to find someone you love and who loves you back just the same. I shouldn't even bring this up—"

"I'll do it." Harry says cutting her off.

His mother stands there dumbfolded.

"She said she'll get father out of jail and he'll get a well paid job and you guys will be better off—"

"Harry stop that. We'll be fine with or without their help. You're always going about putting others happiness before yours and being this hero. Stop doing that." His mother scolds.

He walks up to her, holding her shoulders, "I promise this will be the last time I'll be a hero. Let me be one. Besides you know what happened last time I fell in love with someone. At least I know what to expect this time. I'll be fine mother. Maybe it'll turn out to be better than we think." Harry says, smiling. The smile didn't reach his eyes. He knew Louis Tomlinson was a fucking prick and he knew it wasn't going to be anything near good. And he's heard about Louis Tomlinson thinking lowly of omegas and ill treating them but he did love his family and he would do anything for them.

Anne cried, hugging him, "What did I do to deserve such a lovely boy? I love you so much Hazza. And I'm so sorry I couldn't give you anything."

"You gave me a life Ma, what could be more than that?" Harry says, soothingly, rubbing her back.

"At least you won't end up like your father and I." She says, pulling back and smiling at him.

Harry smiles back.

But I won't have someone who loves me by my side like you do too.

Harry figures, you can't have everything.

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