Chapter 4

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Harry never hated anyone. Not without a purpose. He tried to look at something good in everyone. And if he found that, that little thing, he would be nice to them. No matter what.

But Louis Tomlinson was despicable. It wasn't like Harry didn't try. It wasn't like they met every day, once in two weeks or maybe not even that, so he could be nice.

That one day Harry made tea for him, he just took the cup and emptied it on the floor.

Then another day Harry had gone for lunch with Louis' mother because she'd called him but Louis hadn't showed up. It was just Harry and Jay, Jay talking about her six other kids whom Harry is very excited to meet. She had kissed Harry on the cheek in the end, saying that he was the best son in law. At least he was best something.

Then another time Harry had gone over and Louis had slammed the door on his face. Harry didn't wait around, no thank you very much.

During these two months Louis was just downright mean and Harry didn't find anything in him to not hate him.

But today wasn't about Louis, Harry was going to meet his siblings and Harry loved kids.

Too bad you won't have any of your own.

Harry tried not to think about the voice in the back of his head and knocked at the door with a smile.

He prayed that Louis didn't open the door today, he would kick him in the shin, Harry had self respect thank you very much.

To Harry's delight, a little girl opened the door and Harry's smiled widened.

"Hey! You must me Harry, mum said you were going to come over. You're really pretty! You're going to marry my brother aren't you?"

"Yup that's me I suppose." Harry replied, his grin not falling.

"Please ignore her and come on in." He heard another girl say, this one was older.

"I'm Lottie, short for Charlotte and she's Daisy her twin Phoebe is some where in there." Lottie says.

"I like Charlotte better, can I call you that?" Harry says, his smile never leaving.

"I don't usually let people have their way but I'll make an exception for you." Lottie says, winking.

"Mum! Harry's here!" Lottie shouts.

And then Jay walks in, a baby on her hips. Harry can't contain the fondness inside, and he coos.

"That's Doris, and the one on the baby chair is Ernest." Lottie explains.

"Can I hold him?" Harry asks.

Jay laughs, "You can get Ernest in the living room. The food should be ready in a few minutes."

Harry picks up Ernest, smiling poking his cheeks. He doesn't cry but giggles so Harry thinks it's a win.

When they enter the living room Harry double takes. Was Louis Tomlinson actually smiling and cuddling his sister. Harry was going to have a heart attack.

"Fizzy had a fight with her boyfriend. So Louis is having a therapy session." Lottie says.

Then he hears screeching, "Is that Harry? His hair is so nice!" One of the twins says.

Harry smiles at her, "Thank you...?"

"I'm Phoebe." She says, grinning.

"Phoebe then."

Harry then looks back Louis who is looking at him too and Harry almost misses his smile. He did have the most beautiful smile.

"Harry come sit, you can leave Ernie on the floor with us too." He hears Daisy, the one who opened the door( Harry could tell them apart because Daisy had a flower tucked behind her ears.)

Harry does as told, and the twins start on blabbing about everything and and anything like they've known Harry for eternity , Harry listens because they're cute and lovely and at least some Tomlinsons were actually nice to him. Harry gives them an answer here and there and they get into a fight on who will paint Harry's nails when he tells them he hasn't in a while.

Harry suggests both of them could do one of his hands and they do it on spot. Getting their nail polishes and painting his nails a pretty pink colour.

"How does it look Charlotte?" Harry asks, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Fantastic, I finally have someone other than mother to go get my nails done with." Lottie says, grinning.

"Who said I was going to come with?" Harry says, poking out his tongue.

"No one can resist a girls day out, maybe we'll go shopping too!" Lottie says, excited.

"Sure thing, tell me a date." Harry says, smiling.

Louis wasn't there in the room anymore, he'd left when Harry had come in and well it wasn't like Harry could do anything about that and he was having fun with the kids so that was a plus.

When Jay called them for lunch, Harry helped set the table up and then sat down to eat. The twins on his right, the chair on his left empty for some reason.

Then Louis walked in. Oh no the kids didn't.

Lunch wasn't awkward, Harry was talking to the kids and Louis did too smiling and fonding and Harry finds the good in Louis that day. And he thinks if he tried hard enough, him and Louis could get somewhere. And Harry would.

Louis was attractive of course, Harry had the urge to reach out and touch his cheekbones because they were sharp and Louis' eyes were beautiful. And Harry still had the urge to get down on his knees in front of the and well now he had a reason and he could not stop himself from thinking about Louis, because he thinks Louis has good in there somewhere or his family would have despised him too

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