Chapter 12

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Lottie had made sure they got the whole private class booked for themselves. Having a rich brother had its advantages. There was just this one dude in the corner, it didn't bother them really. They were their loud selves when the plane took off.

She also made sure Harry and Louis sat next to each other. Because that was the point of the whole trip.

Harry was turning behind making faces at the Ernest and Doris, making them giggling on their mothers lap. Louis was next to him, reading a book— his glasses on.

Harry would have clicked a picture but he didn't have the courage to that just yet.

Louis looked up from his book, glancing at Harry, letting a small smile grace his lips.

The smile fell immediately when he saw the man at the corner eyeing Harry.

Louis breathed in. Trying to calm himself, hoping he'd just look away.

He went back to reading his book. When he looked up again after twenty minutes or so the man hadn't stopped looking. Harry was doing something on his phone now, oblivious. But Louis had enough.

He placed his hand near Harry's neck, his thumb pressing where the mark was supposed to be, Harry going pliant at his touch and he glared at the man who looked at him now. He quickly looked away.

Then he smelled it, fuck shit and he also heard Harry groan softly, he let his hand go then. Going back to his book.

Harry quickly got up and went to the washroom, Louis standing outside incase the man came around for a stroll.

When Harry came out of the washroom, he blushed looking at Louis, and both of them made their way back to the seats. Louis going back to his book like nothing happened, his heart beating fast none the less, and Harry was too flustered to focus on anything, trying not to think about it to make sure it didn't happen again.


"Here is Louis and your room's key." Lottie says, placing the key on Harry's palm, winking at him.

Harry wasn't sure he could do this, not after what happened on the plane.

They awkwardly made their way to the room, Harry opening the door.

They stood in the room , staring at the single bed. Thankfully Lottie hadn't done something wild like put rose petals or something.

"I'll take the couch." Louis says.

"You—could—I mean the bed is big enough—I don't mind." Harry says, flustered, his cheeks red.

Something had changed, Louis thinks, because he was not repulsed by the idea and he didn't flinch at the thought.

"Okay." Louis says, softly. Placing his and Harry's bag in the corner.

He then removed some of his clothes and went to take a shower. Leaving Harry in a mental crisis.

Harry went out to the balcony, taking a deep breath and letting the air cool his burning cheeks.

He was in LA with his husband and family, he wasn't going to let it go to waste. So what he wanted Louis to ruin him, he was Harry's husband. It wasn't anything to be ashamed about.

Harry groaned. He doesn't think he's going to survive this.


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