Chapter 6

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Harry had imagined his wedding day a lot. He'd imagined his happiness, he'd imagined how it would be the best day of his life. All he felt now was sad, as he looked at himself in the mirror in a designer suit which he couldn't really afford.

There were so many people out there and Harry was scared out of his mind. What if he messed up? He didn't want Louis mad at him on his wedding day. On their wedding day. Harry wonders what Louis thought.

Harry didn't have anyone to invite, just Katie, the owner of the flower shop he worked in and his family. His father was there too. The Tomlinson were true to their word and his father was released a week before his wedding day. He'd hugged Harry and told him he was proud and sorry.

Harry was just happy they were together again and he made his father promise that he'd work sincerely in his new job and he'd keep it together.

"Son it's time." He heard his father say.

He turned to see his family standing.

"I'll miss you guys so much, I love you." He says, pulling them in for a hug.

"We love you too. You just have to call us and we'll be there okay?" He heard his mother say.

Harry sniffs and nods.

He could do this.


Louis was sure that Harry wouldn't show up. His father was out of jail or whatever it was. He got what he wanted, he didn't have to do this anymore. Everyone was just wasting their times.

Louis dug his nails into his palms, trying not to snap at the people around him who were talking because Harry was late. He knew this was a bad idea— the music suddenly started.

Louis let his hands relax, he looked down to see blood. Well fantastic. He thought.

He looked up to see Harry walking down the isle, his hand looped with his fathers. He was beautiful, he really was. Louis wouldn't deny it. He had the most beautiful green eyes, red plump lips and a dimpled smile. Louis would be falling for him if he didn't know better.

Remember what he did to you. Louis thought.

But then he looked at Harry's red rimmed eyes. He could be nice today. He thinks. No one wants a prick on their wedding day anyways.

Louis hesitates when he has to give his hand to Harry's father, he doesn't notice the blood so Louis thanks the gods but Harry certainly does, frowning when they look ahead.

Harry doesn't dare do anything stupid like caress Louis' hands with his thumb or something equally dumb.

But why would Louis do that to himself?

Harry grins when he sees the blue tie Louis was wearing. Lottie was true to her word.

They exchange their 'I do's' and a ring. Harry let's himself smile looking at it.

When the man says 'you may now kiss the groom' Harry panics. He wasn't going to make the first move no, over his dead body—Louis placed his lips on Harry's and Harry's eyes flutter shut. It doesn't last long, but Harry has a fucking zoo in his stomach and a buzz. He was so close to Louis, he bets he smells like Louis now and fuck Harry hoped he won't fall.

Harry smiles at everyone that comes to meet them, his hands brushing against Louis' the whole time, he controls himself, because holding it was going to cross the lines.

Harry grins wider when Katie walks over to them a walking stick in her hand.

"Katie!" Harry shouts, "you made it!" He pulls her in for a hug.

"Well someone did tell me 'you're my only friend Katie you have to come.' So here I am." She says, smiling.

Then she looks over at Louis, "Louis this is Katie, I work at her flower shop and Katie this is Louis." Harry says, hoping he wasn't crossing a line again.

Louis smiles at her, the crinkles by his eyes visible and fuck Harry could write poems.

"It's really nice to meet you Katie." He says,extending his hands but Katie hugs him and Harry is having an internal war fuck fuck fuck.

When they pull back Louis is still smiling so that's okay, Harry thinks.

Their dance is awkward, or so Harry thinks. Too much distance between them but Harry survives.

When the wedding is finally over, Harry thinks that now the real business starts. Because people were around them before now Louis had no one to put an act up for.

You've got this. He tells himself , you've gone through worse.


When Harry enters their house, theirs wow what the fuck, he tries not to stare too much.

It was big, and it was bare.

It was Louis' , he'd bought it last year, that's what Jay had said. He lives here, just goes there during weekends so...Harry had hoped it looked more lived in.

But there was nothing. No pictures on the walls, minimum furniture in the living room. Harry wondered if Louis felt lonely here.

"That's you're room there." Louis says pointing towards the door on the left.

"I'll be upstairs. You can do whatever you want as long as you don't put your nose in my business." Louis says, before leaving.

Harry sighs, what else had he expected? A warm welcome? A cuddle?

Harry took his stuff and went inside.

He didn't bring much with him. He didn't have much. Just the few pair of clothes he had with him, the ones Jay and Lottie had give him ("Let me spoil my first son in law!") and his plants. Of course he'd got his plants.

He placed them near the windowsill and changed into a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt which had a hole in it.

"How am I going to survive Daisy? He's fit, he's an alpha I bet even you can tell how amazing he smells and god Cacti I do like him. He's nice when he wants to be, what if one day I can't control anymore and my heat god, I just wish he liked me just a bit." Harry says, looking at his plants, laying down on his soft bed.

He sighs when he hears no answer, he didn't expect one but.... he just shuts his eyes and goes to sleep, hoping tomorrow would be better.


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