Chapter 9

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Harry was baking a cake for the twins, Jay had told him that they could just order one but Harry insisted, it had been a while since he'd baked.

So he had got on it early in the morning. It wasn't much just a chocolate and strawberry cake. He hoped the twins liked it.

He was humming the tune playing on his phone, he'd finally learnt how to work it after his husband showed it to him of course, putting the batter in the oven when Louis walked down, moving towards the kettle to get his tea.

"What do you want for breakfast today?" Harry asked.

"I'm actually going out for breakfast with a client so I'll be okay." Louis says, going through his phone and sipping his tea.

"Oh." Harry says and then shrugs, trying not to feel bad, it's his client for fucks sake get a grip.

So when Louis left and the cake was in the fridge for cooling, Harry went over to the living room and started to put up the things he'd got yesterday.

It wasn't much, a vase he put on the coffee table, new curtains, a fruit bowl, he framed the picture Jay had given him of their family and hung it on the wall. A picture of his family next to it. The wedding pictures would be done by now, Harry remembers clicking a a big family picture, he leaves the middle for that one.

He then changes the bedsheets in Louis' room, not looking at anything else, even though he wanted to.

Then he does the laundry and if he sniffs Louis' shirt, burying his face in it, loving the smell, no one has to know.


"Harry got the presents, didn't he?" Daisy says, Harry could distinguish between the two now, he didn't know how he just did.

"No, Louis and I both got the presents." Harry puts in.

"Louis doesn't know our sizes , plus he would never get us a nail polish set." Phoebe says.

"And he doesn't know my favourite author." Daisy chirps.

"Oh give me a break!" Louis groans, rolling his eyes, he wasn't mad because it was true. He usually gave them vouchers or took them to buy their own stuff. But Harry insisted on buying something because then 'what's the meaning of gifts, Louis?'

"It is from Louis and I both though." Harry adds, smiling at them.

"Thank you, I love it."

"I love it too!"

And with that both of them give each one a hug.

"Now let's go cut the cake girls, Harry baked it himself!" Jay says, getting up.

"Are you serious? We're going to come over and you have to teach us Harry." Daisy says.

"Any day." Harry says, smiling getting up and walking with them to the kitchen.

Louis just watches them leave, because this was what he wanted once, but now that he finally had it why did he feel so bitter?


"We have to attend George's launching party next weekend. He has invited the whole family. I hope the small ones don't trouble much." Jay puts in when they're having cake and wine.

"Do we have to go?" Louis whines from where he's sitting next to Harry, their knees pressed together.

"Of course we do. Harry do you have a suit for the event?" Jay asks.

Harry almost spits out his wine.

"Yeah I've got the ones you've given me, I haven't worn them yet." Harry says.

"Why haven't you worn them? Don't you like them?" Lottie asks frowning.

Harry blushes at that, picking at his shirt, "I um, I didn't have an occasion to wear them?"

Lottie frowns, she waits for her brother to get up and leave before she asks,"You guys haven't gone out? Alone together?"

Harry blushes harder at that, "We went shopping for the house once?"

Lottie groans, her brother was a total git. He could have taken Harry out for a fancy meal or something, he is a proper idiot.

"Okay so I expect both of you there then." Jay puts in.


"My brother won't do anything!" Lottie complains on the phone.

"Nor will my brother. He's scared to piss Louis off by asking. He was complaining about how he needs more stuff for the house all week but he didn't just tell Louis. He got courage during the weekend I think Louis didn't mind." Gemma adds.

"Yeah Harry did say they went shopping. And Gemma I have a plan." Lottie says, smiling wide.

"Oh I'm in."


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