Chapter 17

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Harry wakes up before Louis and he turns his head to see Louis sleeping, his face calm, eyelashes resting against his cheekbones. They were closer now, and Harry knew even if they'd woken up together , nothing would have been awkward between them just like when they'd woken up after Harry had completed his heat. Louis had smiled at him and Harry was the happiest person alive.

But then he realises that he's still unmarked and then thinks, he could be happier.

But for now he's content and happy nonetheless.


Harry's making breakfast when Louis walks in, a frown on his face, his hair a mess, wearing a lose white t-shirt and some sweatpants. He's talking to someone on the phone.

He mouths tea to Harry and Harry obeys, making his tea, humming softly and placing it in front of Louis.

Louis grunts then and walks back somewhere and comes back with his laptop.

"Why don't you guys first check things and then send it? I've employed you for a reason. If something happens because of this and I have to clear the mess, I will personally make sure your life is hell." Louis snaps and then puts his phone down, his fingers rubbing his forehead.

"Everything okay?" Harry asks, putting his breakfast before him.

"Employ's just being a irresponsible prick." Louis says, sipping his tea, rubbing fingers against his forehead.

"Oh okay." Harry says, sitting in front of Louis, eating his own breakfast, pulling the string of his t-shirt.

There's a knock at the door and Harry gets up to open the door, it's probably Mark—Harry had called him for breakfast.

"You were expecting someone?" Louis asks, raising his eyes brows.

"Oh no it'll be Mark, he comes early for breakfast." Harry says, picking up the plate he'd prepared for Mark and he hands it him when he opens the door.

"Good Morning Harry, thank you for the breakfast." Mark says, taking the plate from him and giving him a smile.

"Good morning to you too, and like I said it's no problem. I won't be going to work today you can have a day off." Harry puts in gently, giving him a small smile.

"Thanks boss!" Mark says, before walking off.

Harry returns to Louis, who was putting the dishes into the sink.

"So you give Mark breakfast everyday?" Louis asks.

"Yeah, I mean, he drops me off to work—I just don't like it when people don't have a proper meal I guess." Harry says, shrugging.

"That's really nice of you Haz." Louis says, before picking up his laptop and going into the living room.

Harry just grins.


"I'll be back by six." Louis says, hurriedly putting on his tie, a piece of toast in his hand. Louis was running late for work and well...

"Here I've put your tea in a thermos." Harry says, handing Louis the steal container.

"Thank you, you're a life saver." Louis says, running towards the door.

"Drive safe!" Harry shouts behind him.

Harry stands there , a dazed smile on his lips, eyes still staring at the place where Louis was.

Then he shakes himself out of it, going back to the couch to pass some time before he has to leave for work.

His eyes then land on the lunch box Louis had forgotten, sighing.

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