First day at school

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Rhydian's POV

I walked through the doors to my new school I was lost so I asked someone they showed me to the classroom I'm suppose to be in I walked in

Geoffrey: everyone I would like you to meet Rhydian Morris

???: Rhydian that is such a amazing name

???: you smell like my parents

Rhydian: *stares at ???*

The class laughed well I know who the joker is in this class I sat down I noticed the girl in the corner of my eye she watched me as I sat down and then looked away

End of POV

Maddy's POV

Oh great just another new kid he stared at me then sat down I just looked at my friends then to the board


I saw Rhydian near his locker

Jimmy: that's your lunch a leak haha

Group: *laughs*

Rhydian: *pounces on him*

Jimmy: *scared*

Rhydian: *sees his hand and then gets off Jimmy*

Jeffries: what's going on here

Maddy: Rhydian

Rhydian: *looks at Maddy*

Maddy: *waves him over*

We walked into the dark room where me, Tom and Shannon hang out

Rhydian: get out

Maddy: no

Rhydian: *goes on his hands and knees* I'm so sorry

He turned into a wolf I was surprised he then started to crash into things I yelled he went under a table


Rhydian came out from beneath the table when I lowered my head my eyes turned yellow and then I looked up at him and he sat down he then changed back

Rhydian: I knew there was something about you when your eyes turned yellow .... it's true isn't it you're like me

Maddy: I'm not like you I don't show off and pick fights and invade other packs territory you're a danger to us all the sooner you leave the better

Rhydian: *shocked*

I saw the door open it was Shannon and Tom they walked in and just stared at us

Shannon: what happened in here

Rhydian walked straight past me and was stopped by Tom

Maddy: let him go

Tom moved out of the way

Maddy: he doesn't belong here

Rhydian: *stops and looks back at Maddy and glares*

Rhydian then walked out of the door

End of POV

Rhydian's POV

I walked out of that room and ran across the field and into the woods I saw a figure running after me I looked behind me and saw her running after me

Rhydian: I thought you want me gone .... so I'm going

Maddy:  Rhydian 

Rhydian: *runs*

Maddy: *runs after him*

I started to smile this is fun I turned my head back and I saw Maddy still chasing me she caught up to me and she jumped on me and we fell down a hill we saw a group of kids I think it was the year 7's with their teacher with Tom and Shannon I think that's their names

Teacher: well done you scared every animal off come on kids I'm so sorry we will come another time

End of POV

Maddy's POV

Me and Rhydian got up and Shannon was not happy

Shannon: we were trying to get new members for the photography club but then you have to come and make so much noise thanks guys

She walked off but she still waited for us

Shannon: what's this *points to Maddy and Rhydian*

Maddy: we are long distance cousins

Rhydian: yeah

Tom: Bernie's

Maddy: sounds great

Rhydian started to walk up the street

Maddy: I'll catch you two up in a min

Tom: okay

I ran up to Rhydian

Maddy: Rhydian

Rhydian: yeah

Maddy:  come with us to Bernie's

Rhydian: you sure you want me

Maddy: of course

Rhydian: *smiles* okay

End of POV

Author's POV

Maddy and Rhydian walked to Bernie's to see Shannon and Tom talking to Bernie when they saw them they waved them over

Tom: what took you so long

Maddy: just talking

Shannon: okay

They talked and laughed till Jimmy

Jimmy: well if it isn't welsh guy

Rhydian: I'm not welsh

Jimmy: what are you going to do leak boy attack me

Maddy: *whispers breathe Rhydian*

Rhydian: *stays calm*

Jimmy: haha

He walked back out

End of POV

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