Lesson/ school day

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Rhydian's POV

Me, Maddy, Shannon and Tom are sitting in our seats waiting for sir

Maddy: who's up for Bernie's after school

R,T&S: yeah

Maddy: great

Mr Jeffries walked in and the lesson began

After the lesson

me, Maddy, Tom and Shannon walked out of the room and head to the yard to sit on the benches

Rhydian: that was so boring

Tom: I know

Maddy: *hears someone* I forgot something

Shannon: okay we will wait here

Rhydian: *hears someone as well* I better go and collect something

Tom: okay

Me and Maddy ran inside the school then ran out the back door into the woods

Maddy: did you hear someone

Rhydian: yeah

???: Maddy Rhydian come here

Maddy: mum

Maddy's mum: come on

Me and Maddy ran to her mum and she took us back to her house

Maddy: what's going on mum

Maddy's mum: something or someone from another pack is out there a wild pack and if they found you they woud rip you to shreads you have got to be careful

Rhydain: *thinks - oh shit they found me*

Maddy: Rhydian come on

We ran inside the house

Maddy's mum: you two are going to either get home schooled or if you carry on going to that school you have to be careful and keep an eye out and protect each other

Maddy: we will

Maddy's mum: but me or your dad will pick you up after school

Maddy: *remembers* no no

Rhydian: what's up Mads

Maddy: we made plans with Tom and Shannon

Maddy's dad: you're gonna have to tell them you can't go

Rhydian: Mads I'm sure they will understand if you tell them what just came up

Maddy: okay

Maddy's dad: so tonight Rhydian to keep you safe you will have to stay here

Rhydian: you sure Mr. Smith

Maddy's mum: we're sure Rhydian plus you're part of the pack now

Maddy: *smiles at Rhydian*

Rhydian: thank you Mr and Mrs. Smith

Maddy's mum: we need to show you something

Rhydian: okay

Maddy: don't worry it's nothing bad

Maddy's dad: it's a room where we transform when there is a full moon we call it the den

Rhydian: oh

Maddy's mum: night you kids

Maddy: night mum

Maddy's parents went upstairs

Rhydian: *whispers to himself* how did they find me

Maddy: what

Rhydian: oh erm

Maddy: *holds his hand* it's okay Rhydian whatever happened in your past I won't be mad

Rhydian: I know why the pack is here

Maddy: why?

Rhydian: the leader hated me so he came after me I don't know how he found me I left so many trails

Maddy: oh

Rhydian: I can't put you through this Maddy

Maddy: Rhydian I can handle it

Rhydian: *sighs* I...I can't Maddy you're my best friend and if you are hurt I don't know what I would do

Maddy: I...but Rhydian if you get hurt I would die you are my best friend Rhydian .......

Rhydian: Maddy

Maddy: yeah

Rhydian: I'm sorry for the first day I came to the school

Maddy: don't apologise it was my fault I'm sorry for saying that you smell like my parents

Rhydian: *laughs a little* yeah at first I thought you were the joker but when you helped me I knew what you meant

Maddy: *laughs*

Rhydian: *smiles*

End of POV

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