Bad news

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Maddy's POV

I've had the best week of my life I love Rhydian so so much anyway I'm in my room listening to music and then I heard a knock at my door

Maddy: come in

The door opened and in walked my parents I paused the song that was playing

Maddy: hey mum dad

Maddy's mum: sweetie we need to talk

Maddy: about

Maddy's dad: we are moving

Maddy: what is this some sort of joke because if it is it's not funny

Maddy's mum: it's no joke pet we are moving and I know it will be hard to say goodbye

Maddy: no we can't be

Maddy's dad: we'll let you pack

Maddy: but

My parents left the room and I cried silently I can't believe what my parents just told me I don't know what I'm going to say to my friends .... no what am I goi g to say to Rhydian 😢 I promised him I wouldn't go anywhere great

I walked out of the house and to the village and saw Tom, Shan and Rhydian laughing and talking I saw who they were talking to it was Jana oh I guess I've already been replaced I heard their conversation

Tom: you are so funny Jana

Jana: thank you Tom

Shan: where are you from

Jana: a place where you wouldn't have heard of

Tom: she might *points to Shannon*

Shan: stop it

Rhydian: it's too bad Maddy couldn't come

Shan: where is she anyway

Tom: don't know

Jana: hey listen to this one

I just stopped listening to their conversation and ran I don't think they noticed me

End of POV

Rhydian's POV

I am in Bernie's with Tom and Shan we are about to go to Maddy's but Jana came and we ended up talking I couldn't stop thinking of Maddy I saw a figure run straight past

Rhydian: I gotta go

J,S&T: okay

I got out of my seat and ran out of the shop and went to find the person who ran I saw Maddy crying I crouched beside her

Rhydian: Maddy what's wrong

Maddy: what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be laughing and joking with Jana

Rhydian: Maddy

Maddy: no Rhydian I'll be gone soon so you can have Jana and forget about me

Rhydian: Mads I don't want Jana I want you and what do you mean by "gone"

Maddy: my parents told me that we are moving well leaving the village and they won't tell me where

Rhydian: can't you stay

Maddy: I asked them they said no

Rhydian: Mads *hugs her*

Maddy: *hugs back and cries in his shoulder* I'm so sorry Rhydian I broke my promise

Rhydian: hey it's not your fault *dries her tears away*

Maddy: but .....

Rhydian: I love you Maddy and I know that if you move you will always be with me but I also know that you won't cheat and you know that I won't cheat

Maddy: *smiles* please visit me when I find out where we are going

Rhydian: I promise

Maddy: I love you

Rhydian: I love you too Mads

???: you're leaving

Maddy: oh erm Tom Shan

???: well nice to know that you forgot me already

Maddy: Jana I see you stole my friends and next you want my boyfriend

Jana: nah working up to that bit

Maddy: *rolls eyes* see ya around Tom, Shan and Rhydian

Rhydian: I'll come with you

Maddy: okay

We walked back to Maddy's house holding hands

Maddy: I'm gonna miss you Rhydian

Rhydian: I'm gonna miss you too

We got to Maddy's house and the house looked normal

Maddy's mum: let's go Madeline

Maddy: don't call me that

Maddy's mum: sorry

Rhydian: bye Mads *kisses her*

Maddy: *kisses back then pulls away* remember always text me, please

Rhydian: I will don't worry

Maddy: I love you

Rhydian: I love you too

End of POV

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