after school/ woods

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Maddy's POV

I am still in my class with Shannon, Tom and Rhydian he looked at me and elbowed me gently

Maddy: *whispers* ow what was that for

Rhydian: stay awake

maddy: *whispers back* haha very funny don't copy me

Rhydian: *smiles*

Teacher:  Mr Jefferies can I talk to you outside

Jeffries: sure class get on with your work

He walked out of the class I turned to Rhydian

Rhydian: what

Maddy: don't copy me Rhydian

Rhydian: *laughs*

Maddy: not funny

Rhydian: *shuts up*

Kay: hi Rhydain

Rhydain: hi Kay

Kay: I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with me, Kara and Katrina

Rhydian: no but thanks anyway

Kay turned around walked back to the others they were talking and then looked at me and Rhydian then Kara came up to us

Kara: Rhydian is it true

Rhydian: what

Kara: that you're dating Maddy

Maddy: what no we are just friends

Kara: I was asking Rhydian

Rhydian: well we are friends Kara why is it to you

Maddy: *kicks his leg*

Rhydian: *calms down* yeah we are just friends

Maddy: bye Kara

Then she walked back to her seat and we turned to face each other

Maddy: you really need to calm down

Rhydian: I told you I'm wild

Tom: wild?

Then Mr Jefferies came in

Jefferies: okay time to pack up

The whole class packed up and as soon as the bell went everyone ran out of the class except for us 4 we took our time

Maddy: where shall we go

Rhydian: *gives her the "not the woods" look*

Shannon: how about we go Bernie's

Tom: then the woods

Maddy: erm

Shannon: go Bernie's tomorrow

Tom: great let's go

Tom and Shannon walked in front while me and Rhydian looked at each other and sighed

Maddy: do not tell my parents this

Rhydian: I won't let's just hope they don't see us

Maddy: yup

Rhydian: plus Maddy

Maddy: yeah

Rhydian: if the leader does come we have to keep Shannon and Tom safe and if he comes near you I can help you

Maddy: thanks Rhydian

Rhydian: no problem Madd's

Me and Rhydian caught up with Tom and Shannon they were at the top of the Moore

Tom: finally

Maddy: sorry

Tom's POV

Me and Shannon got up the hill first I looked to see where Maddy and Rhydian were they were at the bottom laughing and smiling

Tom: Shan

Shannon: yeah

Tom: when you hang out with Maddy does she talk about me

Shannon: no why? .... wait a minute you like her

Tom: no.... yes... maybe

Shannon: Tom she doesn't talk about you

Tom: so she talks about Rhydian

Shannon: sometimes

Tom: why?

Shannon: Tom if you are thinking that if anything going on between them there isn't they are long distance cousins

Tom: yeah I'm so silly

They finally got to the top of the hill

Tom: finally

Maddy: sorry

Shannon: at least you're up here now

Rhydrian: so what now

Shannon: well I was thinking we could go up to the Moore

Tom: yep that's good idea

Rhydrian: I need to talk to Maddy alone

Tom: erm okay

Maddy and Rhydrian walked somewhere else

End of POV

Maddy's POV

Me and Rhydrian walked somewhere private

Maddy: what's up

Rhydrian: you know when we said we have to keep Shannon and Tom safe

Maddy: yeah

Rhydrian: well the Moore is one place they can't go especially now

Maddy: wait why? Rhydrian

Rhydrian: the leader who's after me would be there looking for me

Maddy: and if they see Shannon and Tom he will hurt them

Rhydrian: exactly

Maddy: we have to persuade them to go back to town and go to Bernie's

Rhydrian: but how

Maddy: did not think of that

Shannon: come on guys

We looked at each other and sighed

Maddy: remember if we do go up there and the leader is there and he says something don't get really mad and change especially in front of Tom and Shannon

Rhydrian: promise but you might have to be next to me

Maddy: don't worry

We walked over to them and we walked up to the Moore

End of POV

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