I....love you

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Maddy's POV

Me and Rhydian haven't spoken of what happened to my parents because they will kill Rhydian for bringing her to our territory

Rhydian: I'm sorry for this trouble

Maddy: it's not your fault Rhydian

Rhydian: why are you so forgiving?

Maddy: *smiles* because I care for you Rhydian and I don't want to loose you

Rhydian: I don't want to loose you either

Maddy: *smiles*

Rhydian: Maddy

Maddy: yes

Rhydian: since you know I love you

Maddy: y..yes

Rhydian: do you love me?

Maddy: Rhydian I.....

Rhydian: *hears something* did you hear that

Maddy: yeah

Rhydian: let's go

Maddy: *hears something move* n...no

Rhydain: what's wrong?

Maddy: it's something you don't want to mess with

Rhydian: what do you mean

Maddy: see that house over there

Rhydian: yeah

Maddy: the sound came from there

Rhydian: so?

Maddy: Rhydian that house has been abandond for 6 years

Rhydian: oh

Maddy: I saw a family go in there and they never came back I walked past it and saw everything was blacked out no one was in there I then noticed there was a girl in there she wasn't part of that family i showed my mum and dad they told me the story about that house so don't go in there it's haunted

Rhydian: oh but Maddy I will be here for you

Maddy: Rhydian please no

Rhydian: okay

Maddy: thank you

Rhydian: *smiles*

End of POV

Rhydian's POV

I wonder what happened I then saw a couple walk into that house

Maddy: no no

Rhydian: what

Maddy: I I

Rhydian: Madds calm down

Maddy: I've gotta go

Rhydian: okay

Maddy: I'll see you tomorrow Rhydian

Rhydian: okay Mads

Maddy ran off to her house I stayed where I was I'm so interested about what Maddy said

Woman: *screams*

Then the woman ran out with the guy after her I saw a figure in the window then it disappeared okay this place is getting weirder weirder I ran back to Maddy's

Maddy: Rhydian

Rhydian: I saw

Maddy: you mean with

Rhydian: yeah but the couple ran out

Maddy: *confused* b...but no one ever come out of that house alive

Rhydian: but there was a figure standing in the window then it disappeared

Maddy: *takes a deep breath* lets go

Rhydian: you sure

Maddy: yeah

We walked out of the house and headed towards that house and we saw it was gone

???: thank god that the house is gone

Maddy: what do you mean?

???: that house has been there for
Centuries and now it's finally gone

Maddy: no one will get hurt

???: exactly

Maddy: oh

Then that person walked away

Maddy: yes I....

Rhydian: Mads  

???: Maddy

Maddy: m...mum

Maddy's mum: Maddy home now

Maddy: why?

Maddy's mum: now Maddy

Maddy: *sighs* bye Rhydian

Rhydian: bye Mads

Maddy and her mum walked away I stood there then I went home I wonder what was with Maddy's mum I've never seen her like that

End of POV

Maddy's POV

I am so confused why is mum acting this way

Maddy: mum what was with that

Maddy's mum: I don't want you hanging around Rhydian

Maddy: what? why?

Maddy's mum: he's a threat to our territory

Maddy: mum

Maddy's mum: no if's no but's Maddy

Maddy: *huffs*

I was furious well I am furious I'm not allowed to hang out with my friend I ran straight to my room when we got there my dad greeted me I just ignored him I slammed my door shut

End of POV

Maddy's dad's POV

I was standing by the table I saw Maddy I said hi but she ignored me what did she do

Maddy's mum: do you think Maddy hates me

Maddy's dad: well you did say that she can't hang out or see her best friend

Maddy's mum: I'm worried because what if Rhydian goes back to his old pack

Maddy's dad: if Maddy trusts Rhydian then we should to

End of POV

Maddy's POV

I am in my room when I heard some stones hitting my window I got up off my bed and looked out my window and saw Rhydian I opened uo my window

Maddy: *whisper shouts so Rhydian can hear her* Rhydian what are you doing

Rhydian: I need to talk to you

Maddy: but I'm not allowed to see or talk to you

Rhydian: please

Maddy: *sighs* okay

I climbed out of my window and ran to him

Maddy: what's up

Rhydian: well what were you going to say before your mum came

Maddy: oh that I love you too Rhydian

Rhydian: will you go out with me?

Maddy: yes

Maddian: *kiss*

Maddy's mum: Maddy Smith

We broke our kiss and looked towards my mum

Maddy: m...mum

Maddy's mum: Maddy you are not allowed to see Rhydian Morris

Maddy: MUM

Maddy's mum: get in the house Maddy

I sighed and kissed Rhydian on the cheek and walked inside

Maddy and RhydianWhere stories live. Discover now