Maddy's house

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Maddy's POV

The car came to a stop and we were at my house my parents got out and then me and Rhydian got out and when we walked in the house my parents were sitting at the table

Maddy's dad: Maddy you disobeyed us we said that we will pick you up after school

Maddy: I know and I'm so sorry Mum and dad

Maddy's mum: at least you're safe but please listen to what we tell you

Maddy: we will mum

Maddy's dad: good

Rhydian: *remembers* Shannon and Tom

Maddy: what about them

Rhydian: did you see them go down from the Moore

Maddy: can' remember

Rhydian: let's hope they did come off the Moore

Maddy: same

Maddy's dad: I'll go see if they have while you two stay here

Maddy's mum: with me

Maddy: okay

Maddy's dad: won't be long

My dad walked out of the house and into the landrover and drove away

Rhydian: so what's going to happen

Maddy: no clue Rhydian

Maddy's mum: well I know one thing is that you two have to keep a close eye out on each other and when you walk home or even walk through the school

Maddy: why? *looks at Rhydian*

Maddy's mum: because they can attack anytime

Maddy: me and Rhydian are going into the den mum

Maddy's mum: okay

Me and Rhydian walked into the den and sat down

Maddy: why?

Rhydian: the pack would do anything to get me

Maddy: but what did you do

Rhydian: I may have broke a few rules

Maddy: Rhydian

Rhydian: it was not my fault the leader hates me so when we are at school me and you are going have to stick together because if you get hurt I may do something stupid

Maddy: *holds his hand* Rhydian I will be right beside you and I'm not gonna leave

Rhydian: thanks Madds

Maddy: *smiles*

Rhydian; I wonder what Tom and Shannon will say or think

End of POV

Tom's POV

Me and Shannon walked down to Bernie's we waited and waited for Maddy and Rhydian but they didn't show up

Tom: I knew it they aren't distance cousins Shannon because if they were they would be here right now

Shannon: *rolls eyes* Tom just leave it if they say they're long distance cousins then they are don't butt into their lives

Then we saw Maddy's dad's car pull up and he walked in

Maddy's dad: Tom Shannon sorry if you waited for Maddy and Rhydian so long but I think they forgot to tell you that something came up so couldn't come here

Shannon: okay thanks for telling us Mr . Smith

Maddy's dad: no problem

He walked out of the shop and got in his car then he drove off me and Shannon looked a each other

End of POV

Rhydian's POV

Me and Maddy are still sitting in the den just talking about random stuff some of the subjects would go to the pack then when we heard her mum we shut up about that and talked about other things

Maddy: so Rhydian

Rhydian: yeah

Maddy: who was in your pack

Rhydian: some people I used to know

Maddy: did you have any best friends

Rhydian: well I did have a friend called Luna she was nice she told me that she had a crush on me

Maddy: oh

Rhydian: I told her it's best if we stay friends

Maddy: *smiles*

Rhydian: *hears Maddy's parents* shh

Maddy: *nods*

End of POV

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