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Rhydian's POV

I carried Maddy to her house I saw her mum and dad

Maddy's mum: Maddy

Rhydian: she's asleep

Maddy's mum: I'm so sorry about what I said

Rhydian: I understand since I'm from a different place you think I would go to another pack

Maddy's mum: yes Rhydian and I'm so sorry for that

Rhydian: it's okay Mrs. Smith

Maddy's mum: thanks for understanding Rhydian

Rhydian: *smiles* I'll leave you alone so you can talk it out when Maddy wakes up tell her that I've gone home and I'll see her tomorrow

Maddy: don't leave

Rhydian: *looks at Maddy* Mads don't worry just talk to your mum and let her explain

Maddy: Rhydian

Rhydian: it's okay

Maddy's dad: Rhydian why don't you stay with us

Rhydian: is that okay?

Maddy's dad: of course it is

Maddy: I love you dad

Maddy's dad: *smiles at Maddy*

I walked out of the room with Maddy's dad

Maddy's dad: Rhydian where are you originally from

Rhydian: that's the thing Mr. Smith I don't know

Maddy's dad: what do you mean by you don't know

Rhydian: my mum left me when I was a baby and I don't know why she did or where she is

Maddy's dad: sorry about that

Rhydian: it's okay Mr. Smith you didn't know

End of POV

Maddy's POV

I was lying on my bed and my mum sat on my bed

Maddy: what are you gonna say eh

Maddy's mum: Maddy I'm sorry for what I said I was worried about what would happen now I see that he makes you happy and you want to be with him

Maddy: yeah

Maddy's mum: I'm sorry for the way I acted about him if he went to a different pack

Maddy: mum I

Maddy's mum: you coming

Maddy: yeah

Maddy's mum: so you forgive me

Maddy: yeah

Maddy's mum: *smiles and hugs her*

Maddy: *smiles and hugs back*

We pulled away from the hug and I walked into the kitchen to see Rhydian I ran and hugged him

Maddy: can we go to the faire mum

Maddy's mum: okay

My mum gave me some money so me and Rhydian walked out of the house and headed down to the village

Rhydian: you and your mum made up then

Maddy: yeah she explained

Rhydian: *smiles*

???: Rhydian???

Rhydian turned around and I saw a girl run up to him

Rhydian: erm

???: it's me Jana

Rhydian: Jana

Jana: yup where have you been

Rhydian: living here

I walked away ugh I want to spend time with my boyfriend but these girls keep coming up to us

End of POV

Rhydian's POV

Maddy walked off I want to follow her but Jana is in the way

Jana: so where have you been I've missed you? Who was that girl you were with? Have you forgotten about us?

???: about us?

Jana: who are you

Maddy: *jumps on Rhydian's back* I'm his girlfriend

Jana: I'm Jana his ex girlfriend

Maddy: you told me you never had a girlfriend

Rhydian: what

Maddy: oh well who cares I've got the love of my life and you well I don't know you very well

Jana: *glares*

Maddy: *smirks*

Jana walked off and Maddy got off my back

Rhydian: *smiles at Maddy* trust me Mads you have nothing to worry about I love you and nothing will change that

Maddy: you promise

Rhydian: I promise

We had fun at the faire

End of POV

Jana's POV

I don't like that Maddy girl she's so boring why would Rhydian dump me for her 

I saw her on her own so I walked up to her

Jana: *whispers in her ear ~ stay away from Rhydian bitch he's mine~

Then I walked away without her reaction

End of POV

Maddy's POV

I was waiting for Rhydian to come back with some drinks then Jana told me to stay away from Rhydian

Rhydian: hey

Maddy: Rhydian

Rhydian: what's up

Maddy: nothing

Rhydian: Mads

Maddy: nah it's stupid

Rhydian: Maddy

Maddy: forget it rhy *sees Tom and Shan* oh hey look there's Tom and Shan

I ran up to them and told Shan everything

End of POV

Rhydian's POV

I may or may not of overheard Maddy and Shannon's conversation Jana said WHAT

Maddy: hey guys

Rhydian: Mads can I talk to you

Maddy: sure

We walked somewhere else

Rhydian: why didn't you tell me

Maddy: tell you what

Rhydian: that Jana told you to stay away from me

Maddy: how did you

Rhydian: Maddy don't listen to her please stay close to me I love you and I don't ever want to loose you

Maddy: I promise I'm not going anywhere

End of POV 

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