The Moore

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Shannon's POV

Me and Tom were walking in front with Maddy and Rhydrian following us

Shannon: come on guys

Maddy: *laughs*

End of POV

Maddy's POV

Me and Rhydrian were behind Tom and Shannon we were laughing we still kept our eye out and we listened to everything that was around us

Shannon: come on guys

Tom: *rolls eyes*

Maddy: *hears a twig snap*

Rhydian: *whispers to Maddy* we need them to get out of here

Maddy: *nods* hey guys

S&T: yeah

Maddy: do you want to go to Bernie's

Shannon: sure

Maddy: great

Tom: do want to meet us down there

Maddy: yeah because I've got to tell my parents

Shannon: okay

They walked away then I saw a man standing there Rhydian went in front of me

???: well Rhydian

Rhydian: *growls*

???: you were always the trouble maker I've been watching you picking fights at school, almost transforming in the school

Maddy: *growls*

???: who is this young girl

I felt a presence behind me then I got pulled by a man and brought in front of Rhydian

Rhydian: look you've got me let Maddy go

???: why should you care she's a tame wolf

Rhydian: let Maddy go

???: let her go

The person dropped me and I ran to Rhydian and hugged him

???: now Rhydian

Rhydian: come on the....


The people turned their heads to my dad

Maddy's dad: get in the car you two

We nodded and got in the car and saw my mum

Maddy's mum: what happened

Maddy: me, Rhydian, Tom and Shannon walked through the woods then Shannon said we should walk up the Moore so we did then a man came in front of me and Rhydian then I ran behind Rhydian then I felt someone grabbed me and the person brought me in front of Rhydian and Rhydian helped me the person pushed me to Rhydian and he caught me then that's where dad came

Maddy's mum: at least you're safe

Rhydian: I'm glad that Maddy is okay

Maddy's mum: good job we did come

Rhydian: *hugs Maddy*

Maddy's dad: let's go

Me and Rhydian sat in the back talking away when I accidently squeezed Rhydians hand

Rhydian: *mouths ow*

Maddy: *gives him a apologetic look and mouths sorry*

Maddy's mum: we need to set some rules for when we get home

End of POV

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