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Rhydian's POV

I am walking in the woods to go to Maddy's I got stopped by the leader

Leader: come on Rhydian

Rhydian: you hate me so why would I come back

Leader: your best friend Luna is there

Rhydian: I've made a new best friend

Leader: I thought you liked Luna

Rhydian: yeah as a friend

Leader: also Rhydian if you don't come with me I can make other wolfbloods hurt what's her name

Rhydian: Maddy

Leader: yeah Maddy so what is it going to be Rhydian

Rhydian: I'll give you a answer tonight

Leader; good boy

He walked off and I carried on walking to Maddy's I don't know what to do I promised Maddy I'd stay by her side but if I go she won't get hurt well by the pack by me yes *sighs* I don't know what to do

I reached Maddy's house I knocked on and Maddy opened the door and we ran through the woods and we sat down by a tree

Maddy: I'm so glad you're with me

Rhydian: I'm glad I'm here with you

Maddy: *smiles*

Rhydian: Ma.....

???: Rhydian

I looked up and and saw Luna

Rhydian: L...Luna

Luna: yup

Rhydian: how have you been

Luna: I've been good you

Rhydian: yeah I've been good

Maddy: hey Rhydian

Rhydian: oh yeah Maddy this is Luna and Luna this is Maddy

Luna: Maddy is a nice name

Maddy: so is Luna

Luna: thank you

Maddy: so you're Rhydian's best friend

Luna: yeah

Rhydian: *smiles*

Luna: hey Rhydian want to go for a run

Rhydian: sure I'll meet up with you soon Madds

Maddy: oh okay

End of POV

Maddy's POV

I was jealous and upset Rhydian ditched me I know it's his best friend but he didn't invite me if I wanted to go with them he just said "I'll meet up with you soon Mads" with that he ran and Luna ran after him I sighed and sat  back down then I felt a presence behind me

???: Maddy is it

Maddy: yes

???: it seems like he's made up his mind

Maddy: what are you talking about

I turned around and saw the leader

Leader: well I asked him if he wanted to come home he said no he said he'd give me a answer at the end of the day but I guess he already made his decision well on behalf of rhydian he says goodbye and he is lucky to have a friend like you

Maddy: h...he would never do or say anything like that

Could he?

Leader: come on Maddy the signs were there he didn't invite you, he ran off with Luna

Maddy: *sighs* I guess

I turned around and walked back to my house I saw Rhydian run up to me

Rhydian: hey Mads you okay

Maddy: my name is Maddy

Rhydian: what I always call you Mads

Maddy: Rhydian go back to your pack with Luna

Rhydian: but

Maddy: I know the leader of your old pack came and told me that you would give him a answer if he wanted to leave or stay

Rhydian: Maddy I

Maddy: just go Rhydian go with your other best friend you life best friend and forget about me

Rhydian: Mad.....

Maddy: just go

He turned around and walked away with his head down I sighed and sat on the doorstep of my house and just put my head in my hands

End of POV

Rhydian's POV

I was with Luna then I remembered Maddy oh no what have I done I ran to find her she was outside her house I was shocked when she wanted me to go with Luna yeah Luna is my best friend but so is Maddy I saw the leader of my old pack he walked up to me

Leader: well Rhydian seems like you've been kicked out of another pack

Rhydian: this time it wasn't my fault it was yours

Leader: oh come on admit it you miss your old pack with Luna

Rhydian: I....

Leader: great let's go

I ended up getting pulled by the leader and Luna I saw the pack and they looked at me like I was new which I wasn't

End of POV

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