the ending

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Rhydian's POV

I was sitting down somehwere private I then felt arms around my shoulders I stiffended up because it could be Jana or Luna they loved doing that I slowly turned around and I saw a beautiful smile I looked up at the girl and it was Maddy

Rhydian: MADDY *smiles and hugs her*

Maddy: missed you

Rhydian: not as much as me

Maddy: *smiles* I love you

Rhydian: I love you too

???: you WHAT

We turned our heads and saw Luna, Jana and the 3 K's

End of POV

Maddy's POV

I have cried myself to sleep nearly every night because of how much I miss Rhydian

Maddy's mum: come on Maddy

Maddy: where

Maddy's mum: well we thought you might like to see Rhydian

Maddy: *smiles wide*

Maddy's mum: okay let's go

I ran to our car and got in then my parents did and we went into town

In town

My dad parked up and I got out and ran to find Rhydian

After 5 minutes

I finally found Rhydian he was on his own I smiled and walked up behind him silently and wrapped my arms around him he stiffended up I smiled

Rhydian: MADDY *smiles and hugs her*

Maddy: missed you

Rhydian: not as much as me

Maddy: *smiles* I love you

Rhydian: I love you too

???: you WHAT

We turned our heads and saw Luna, Jana and the 3 K's

Jana: ugh she's back

Maddy: *glares* got a problem

Luna: yeah

The 3 K's left

Rhydian: back off both of you

Maddy: *about to attack Luna and Jana*

Rhydian: *holding Maddy back*

Jana: let her attack me because she is tamed Rhydian so she can't hurt me

Maddy: *growls*

Rhydian: *glares at Jana and Luna*

L&J: come home Rhydian

Rhydian: heck no

Luna: come home please

Maddy: he made his decision so leave him alone

Jana: Rhydian listen to us you belong in the wild with us but she has corupted you

Rhydian: don't you dare say that about Maddy

Jana: just did

Maddy: *attacks her*

Jana: ow get her off me

Luna: *tries to pull Jana away from Maddy*

Rhydian: *tries to pull Maddy off Jana* Maddy come on get off her

Maddy: no one talks shit about me

Jana: oww

Rhydian: *got Maddy off Jana*

Luna: you are a pyscho

Maddy: *growls* leave us alone

Jana: *growls and walks away*

Luna: *follows her*

End of POV

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