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Previously on Maddy and Rhydian

Mr and Mrs. Smith walked out the door and I stood in front of Maddy



Rhydian's POV

Madd; what do you want

Rhydian: I'm sorry just please let me explain

Maddy: *sighs* fine but you owe me

Rhydian: huh

Maddy: i ran home my parents ask why I am home early i said the leader came and i ran one way and you ran another luckily they believed it

Rhydian: oh .... anyway at first I was acting like when I came to the school but when I got to know you my acting stopped when I said you're my best friend that wasn't a lie when you helped me I thought how can I lie to the person who helped me and who is my best friend

Maddy: R..Rhydian *hugs him* I believe you

Rhydian: *smiles and hugs back*

Maddy:  *pulls away*

Rhydian: do you know why Tom was acting strange today

Maddy: what do you mean?

Rhydian: well when you and Shannon went to talk somewhere else I asked Tom if he was alright he said yes but not in his normal way it was in a cold tone

Maddy: oh..... wellllll

Rhydian: Maddy did I do anything wrong

Maddy: apperently to Tom you have

Rhydian: what did I do

Maddy: well Shannon told me that Tom likes me, he said that he doesn't believe that we are cousins

Rhydian: well he got that one right

Maddy: yup and when he sees you with me he gets jealous

Rhydian: oh

Maddy: I'd ignore it

Rhydian: okay

Maddy: he'll get over me

Rhydian:  okay

I looked at Maddy and smiled she smiled back

Maddy: I'm glad you came here I have another wolfblood to talk to my age

Rhydian: same here I have friends who like me here

Maddy: what about that girl

Rhydian: oh besides her

Maddy: so what did she look like

Rhydian: red hair, smiling a lot, eyes that sparkle

Maddy: I think you like her

Rhydian: I do not

Maddy: sure okay whatever you say Rhydian

Rhydian: *smiles* I am not looking for a girlfriend right now

Maddy: oh ok

Rhydian: *tickles her*

Maddy: no no *laughs*

Rhydian: *smiles*

Maddy: *laughs* stop

Rhydian: *stops* *smiles*

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