Finding out

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Maddy's POV

I woke up this morning in the den I was confused then I remembered Rhydian came last night speaking of which where is he

Maddy: *whisper shouts* Rhydian

He popped up from behind the sofa

Maddy: what are you doing behind the sofa

Rhydian: I thought your parents would come and check on you and if they saw me they would be mad at me for leaving

Maddy: oh understandable

Rhydian: *smiles* let's go

I got ready in my uniform in my room Rhydian stayed in the den I walked out of my room and I saw Rhydian with my parents he looked a little bit scared

Maddy: mum dad what are you doing?

Maddy's mum: why is he back?

Maddy's dad: yeah Maddy why is he back he left us

Maddy: I know he did but give him another chance please

Maddy's mum: Maddy he will just hurt you again

Maddy: no he won't

Maddy's dad: Maddy

Maddy: *rolls eyes*

Maddy's mum: don't you dare roll your eyes at me

End of POV

Rhydian's POV

I was in the den waiting for Maddy I heard voices and it was Maddy's parents I hid but not too well because they saw me

Maddy's mum: why are you back?

Maddy's dad: did your old pack kick you out?

Maddy's mum: broke any rules

What's with all the questions

Rhydian: I....

I got cut off again but this time it was Maddy

Maddy: mum dad what are you doing?

Maddy's mum: why is he back?

Maddy's dad: yeah Maddy why is he back he left us

Maddy: I know he did but give him another chance please

Maddy's mum: Maddy he will just hurt you again

Maddy: no he won't

Maddy's dad: Maddy

Maddy: *rolls eyes*

Maddy's mum: don't you dare roll your eyes at me

Maddy: ugh why don't you trust Rhydian like I do

Maddy's mum: he left us Maddy for a wild pack

I just stood there

Maddy: so what

Rhydian: I best be going

Maddy's mum: go

I walked out of the house and started to walk up the road from their house

End of POV

Maddy's POV

Rhydian just walked out of the door

Maddy: I hate you

Maddy's mum: get it through your head Maddy he left our pack to go with another one

Maddy: he promised that he won't ever do that again

Maddy's dad: sure whatever

Maddy: you never give anyone second chances *storms out of the house*

I stormed right out of my house well I slammed the front door that's what I hate about my parents they don't give people second chances I went to find Rhydian once I found him he was half way up the road so I ran after him

Maddy: Rhydian wait

Rhydian: *stops and faces Maddy*

Maddy: where are you going?

Rhydian: away Maddy your parents don't want me here

Maddy: I don't care Rhydian, I don't care what they want, I don't care what you did in your past all I care about is you Rhydian I can't loose you

Rhydian: *sad smile* your parents want me gone Madds

Maddy: please stay with me I don't know what I would do without you

Rhydian: what about your parents

Maddy: shh I don't care lets go back

I turned and so did Rhydian I held his hand and we walked back to my house

End of POV

Maddy and RhydianWhere stories live. Discover now