the next day

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Rhydian's POV

I woke up got dressed and headed to school I met up with Maddy

Maddy: we got off to a bad start yesterday

Rhydian: yeah Hi I'm Rhydian Morris

Maddy: Maddy Smith

Rhydian: so about you

Maddy: I don't talk about "me" in public

Rhydian: understood

We walked in the school and went to our lockers

Shannon: hey guys

Maddy: hey Shan

Tom: Bernie's after school

Maddy: oh we can't sorry

Shannon: why?

Maddy told Shannon what me and her are doing

Shannon: okay well see ya in class

Maddy: see ya

They walked away

Maddy: *sighs*

Rhydian: what's wrong

Maddy: I hate lying to them they are my best friends

Rhydian: *sad smile* Maddy if they knew they would go to anyone to hurt us

Maddy: they won't do that

Rhydian: I mea.... *sees Jimmy* stop ease dropping you little punk

Jimmy: ooo I'm scared everyone Rhydian is going to hurt me again trying to act tough

Crowd: *laughs*

I looked at my hands I quickly hid them I think Maddy saw this

Maddy: calm down okay

Rhydian: okay

Jimmy: awe Rhydian you have been here for a day and you already got a girlfriend too bad it's a freak

Okay that did it no one calls my friend a freak

Rhydian: Maddy is not a freak

I jumped on him trying not to let my eyes turn yellow


Jimmy: I told you sir he's crazy

Jeffries: Rhydian Morris come with me now

I followed Mr Jeffries to his office

Jeffries: Rhydian I know you have had a rough past but it's not good if you take your aggression out on another pupil

Rhydian: I know but.....

Jeffries: you lay a hand on another student you will be expelled got it

Rhydian: got it

He let me go I saw Maddy

Maddy: Rhydian

Rhydian: yeah what's up

Maddy: can e talk but outside

Rhydian: okay

I followed Maddy out of the building

Rhydian: what's up Maddy

Maddy: why did you stick up for me

Rhydian: because you're my friend Maddy and I always help my friends

Maddy: *smiles* thanks but you have got to promise me not to lay a hand on another pupil especially Jimmy

Rhydian: oh you heard

Maddy: yup

Rhydian: let's go back

Maddy: yeah wait

Rhydian: what's up

Maddy: do you want to come mine tonight

Rhydian: sure

We walked back into the building without any teacher noticing us 

Shannon: hey guys

Maddy: hey Shan

Tom: where have you been

Maddy: in the corridors

Tom: okay

Tom and Shannon turned their heads around and then Jeffries came in

  Jeffries: okay so we will be doing this.....

I zoned out I felt a nudge it was Maddy

Maddy: stay awake

Rhydian: okay

After lesson

The whole class ran out of the door me and Maddy weren't far behind oh Tom and Shannon went earlier

Maddy: *smiles* let's go

Rhydian: where?

Maddy: *rolls eyes*

We got out of the door

Maddy: let's go .... follow me

We walked out of the door and ran straight across the field

End of POV

Shannon's POV

Me and Tom were outside the school when we saw Maddy and Rhydian they didn't see us something is strange with Rhydian and Maddy anyway we saw them run straight across the field they weren't out of breath because they didn't stop

Tom: I wonder where they are going

Shannon: let's find out

We ran across the field

End of POV

Maddy's POV

Me and Rhydian was on the Moore

Rhydian: so you're a wolf

Maddy: I'm not a wolf I'm a wolfblood

Rhydian: okay but ....

Maddy: what?

Rhydian: I don't remember getting biten

Maddy: *laughs*

Rhydian: don't laugh at me

Maddy: *laughs then stops* sorry you don't have to be biten to be a wolfblood how many times have you changed

Rhydian: twice

Maddy: so when was your first change

Rhydian: in that room you put me in

Maddy: yeah sorry about that but that was the only way I could help you and help my pack

Rhydian: now I look back on it I'm glad you helped me

Maddy: anyway let's make our way to mine

Rhydian: what will your parents say

Maddy: dunno

End of POV

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