At school

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Shannon's POV

I woke up got dressed and headed to school I saw Tom and walked up to him

Shannon: hey Tom

Tom: hey Shan

Shannon: where's Maddy and Rhydian

Tom: not here yet

Then I saw Maddy's car park up then Rhydian got out and he helped Maddy out of the car

Tom: *glares*

Shannon: Tom stop it they are cousins nothing is going on

Tom: you're right sorry I like Maddy

Okay that kind of hurt

Shannon: oh

Tom: you okay Shan

Shannon: yeah I'm fine

I saw Maddy and Rhydian walk over to us

Maddy: hey guys

Rhydian: what's up

Tom: *thinks - something is going on*

Shannon: Maddy can I talk to you alone

Maddy: sure *looks at Rhydian*

Me and Maddy walked somewhere quiet and private

Maddy: what's up

Shannon: well

Maddy: tell me Shan

Shannon: don't tell Tom I said this but he likes you but there is one problem with him liking you

Maddy: what

Shannon: well he thinks that there is something going on between you and Rhydian and I keep telling him that you're cousins but he still doesn't believe it and I kind of like Tom

Maddy: oh

Shannon: don't tell him

Maddy: I promise

Shannon: thanks

End of POV

Rhydian's POV

Maddy's mum picked me up and she drove us to school I got out of the car first then I helped Maddy out she thanked me and we walked up to Tom and Shannon I saw Tom glare at me what have I done

Maddy: hey guys

Rhydian: what's up

Tom: *thinks - something is going on*

Shannon: Maddy can I talk to you alone

Maddy: sure *looks at Rhydian*

Shannon and Maddy walked somewhere else, Tom just stared at me

Rhydian: what's up Tom

Tom: nothing

Rhydian: you okay

Tom: yeah

Rhydian: you sur.... *sees the leader of the pack*

Maddy and Shannon came back over I held onto Maddy's hand she looked to where I was looking she looked at me worried

Maddy: we will see you in class

Shannon: okay

Me and Maddy ran

End of POV

Tom's POV

I saw Rhydian hold Maddy's hand

Tom: Shannon they aren't cousins

Shannon: *rolls eyes* fine there not happy

Tom: *rolls eyes*

Shannon: what's up with you now

Tom: I don't know

Shannon: Tom you need to calm down

Tom: okay

Shannon: let's go they said they will meet us in class

I highly doubt that I bet they are gonna skip

End of POV

Maddy's POV

I ran with Rhydian behind me we hid

Maddy: okay that leader ......

Leader: what

Maddy: *shuts up*

Leader: oh it's the brave little girl

Maddy: *growls*

Leader: a feisty one

Rhydian: leave

Leader: no Rhydian

Rhydian: you're trespassing on Maddy's territory

Leader: I don't care

Maddy: LEAVE

Leader: respect your elders deer Maddy

Rhydian: *glares and growls*

Leader: please Rhydian stop acting

Maddy: *confused* acting?

Leader: yup

Maddy: Rhydian what does he mean by acting

Rhydian: *quiet*

Maddy: Rhydian

Rhydian: *still quiet*

Leader: someone not gonna say who told Rhydian to join another pack

Maddy: *looks at Rhydian* so you were already in a pack and then you came to us, I can't believe you Rhydian I let you into our pack we treated you like family and you were pretending all this time I hate you Rhydian Morris

With that I ran further into the woods to go home my parents car was outside they are in

Maddy's mum: *sees Maddy* Maddy why are you home early

Maddy: I didn't feel well

Maddy's mum: Maddy the truth

Maddy: the leader of the other pack came I ran one way and Rhydian ran the other

Maddy's dad: we have to go get him

Maddy; *thinks - heck no he lied to us*

Maddy's mum: you go find him because I don't think Maddy looks good

Maddy: o..kay

End of POV

Rhydian's POV

Maddy ran off I was about to run after her

Leader: *stops him* you're coming home

Rhydian: this is my home

Leader: oh please Rhydian she is a tame wolf you're a wild wolf come back

Rhydian:  no *runs after Maddy*

I couldn't find her I saw her dads landrover he saw me and waved me over

Maddy's dad: jump in

I got in the car and he drove back to his house I got out and so did her dad he walked through the door and I closed the door and I saw Maddy with her head down

Maddy's mum: oh Rhydian

Rhydian: hi Mrs. Smith

Maddy's dad: Maddy me and your mum will be outside

Maddy: *nods* okay

They walked out and I stood in front of Maddy

End of POV

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