Maddy's parents

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Maddy's POV

Me and Rhydian made our way to my house I saw the kitchen light on so I walked in

Maddy: mum dad

Maddy's mum: hello Maddy

Maddy: I brought a guest

I walked fully in and Rhydian came after me

Rhydian: hi Mr and Mrs Smith

Maddy: mum dad this is Rhydian he is my new friend

Maddy's dad: nice to meet you Rhydian come have dinner with us

Me and Rhydian sat down and my parents talked about keeping calm and not lashing out at other people or they could find out about us and all that

Rhydian: *sees the time* I better go thank you for the dinner Mrs Smith

Maddy's mum: no problem Rhydian hope to see you around

Rhydian: it was very nice to meet you both *looks at Maddy* bye Madd's see you tomorrow at school

Maddy: *smiles* bye Rhydian you be safe

Rhydian: I will don't worry

Maddy: *smiles*

Rhydian walked out of the door

Maddy's mum: he seems like a nice boy

Maddy: night mum night dad

Maddy's parents: night Maddy

I walked up to my room and got ready for bed and went sleep

End of POV

Rhydian's POV

I walked out of Maddy's house and ran straight to my house the lights were off so I climbed through my window hopefully my foster mum didn't hear me

End of POV

The next morning

I woke up to my foster mum talking but not to me it sounded like someone else

Rhydian: *yawns*

I got out of bed and got changed and walked downstairs to see Maddy

Rhydian: M...Maddy

Maddy: hey Rhydian


Maddy: *rolls eyes*

Rhydian: bye mum

I walked out of my house with Maddy and her mum was in their car which was a landrover 90 I think anyway we got in the car and Mrs. Smith drove us to school

Maddy's mum: okay you kids be careful

Maddy: thanks mum

Rhydian: thank you for the lift Mrs. Smith

Maddy's mum: my pleasure Rhydian now you kids go before you're late

Maddy: *smiles*

Then her mum drove off

Rhydian: your parents are so nice

Maddy: *smiles* nah well they can be but not this nice anyway did you get in trouble last night

Rhydian: no

Maddy: I thought you would

Rhydian: so did I

Maddy: what do you mean

Rhydian: when I got home the lights were all off so I climbed up to my bedroom window and I'm surprise that I didn't wake any of them up

Maddy: oh if that was me I would be grounded

Rhydian: where's Tom and Shannon

Maddy: don't know they might be in class already

Rhydian: let's go

We walked in our class and saw Tom and Shannon

End of POV

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