Im sorry/ second chance

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Rhydian's POV

Is it wrong for you to like your best friend in a different way? Because I've been getting these strange feelings about Maddy I don't know what they are I hope it's not what I think it is

Maddy: Rhydian hello you there

Rhydian: *snaps out of it* yeah

Maddy: *smiles* come on

We walked inside her house her parents were there sitting at the table

Maddy's mum: Maddy

Maddy: I don't care what you say or want Rhydian is staying with us

Maddy's mum: well Maddy that's what I was going to say

Maddy: wait what?

Maddy's dad: we thought about what you said so we decided to give Rhydian another chance

Maddy: good you know I can't loose Rhydian

Maddy's mum: you have Shannon and Tom

Maddy: yes but they are not like Rhydian

Maddy's parents: *look at each other*

Maddy: we are going into the woods

Maddy's dad: okay but be back before 6:30pm

Maddy: okay

We walked out of the door and we ran to a tree and sat under it

Maddy: I'm so glad you're back

Rhydian: same it feels good to be where I am liked

???: Rhydian we're sorry

Rhydian: *whips his head round and sees Luna*

I saw Maddy's smile fade and it turned into a frown

Luna: please Rhydian come back I still love you I can't get rid of these feelings I have for you

Rhydian: Luna I am not coming back and we are just friends

Luna: I know but still

Rhydian: Luna I've made up my mind I'm not leaving my best friend

Luna: I thought I was my best friend

Rhydian: you were my best friend but when I was in that pack you didn't stick up for me like Maddy would

Luna: Rhydian she will stick up for you because she is a tame wolf

Maddy: *growls*

Luna: come on Rhydian come back to where you belong with me, your mother and the rest

Rhydian: no Luna

Luna: fine Rhydian but don't blame me when Maddy gets hurt

Maddy: trust me I will kill you if you say anything bad about me that isn't true

Luna: you told her

Rhydian: I had to she is my best friend Luna get that through your head

Luna: b...but

Maddy: LEAVE

Luna ran

End of POV

Maddy's POV

I was smiling and laughing with Rhydian till she came great what is she doing here and she admitted it that she talk shit about me behind my back *rolls eyes* wouldn't surprise me but I was so happy that he told Luna to leave

Maddy: *hugs Rhydian*

Rhydian: *hugs back* *whispers I love you Maddy*

Did he just say he loves me omg he loves me :) I love him

Rhydian: *smiles*

Maddy: so ....Rhydian you love me

Rhydian: *eyes widen* I umm

Maddy: don't worry Rhydian

Rhydian: *confused*'re not mad

Maddy: nope

Rhydian: but other people would be mad if their best friend says that they love them

Maddy: I know but I'm me Maddy Smith

Rhydian: *laughs*

Maddy: *kisses his cheek*

End of POV

Luna's POV

I ran but not to my pack I hid and when I heard Rhydian say that he loves her please Rhydian you can do better like me better but he doesn't see it I saw Maddy kiss Rhydian's cheek that should be me *growls*

Maddy: Rhydian I....

Luna: RHYDIAN hi again

Rhydian: *glares at Luna* what

Luna: well I wanted to know do you still have feelings for me

Maddy: *stays quiet*

Rhydian: Luna I never had feelings for you

Luna: but you said you liked me

Rhydian I never loved you I only liked you as a friend

Luna: *glares at Maddy* this is your fault Maddy he would still be with our pack and he wouldn't have met you and we would be dating

Rhydian: *rolls eyes* no we wouldn't

Luna: she's brainwashed you Rhydian

Rhydian: no she hasn't she is a true friend unlike you if another pack was after me she would've stood up for me but you wouldn't

Luna: I...I would

Maddy: you're stuttering

Luna: I..I'm not

Maddy: *glares at Luna* you are you liar Luna

Luna:  at least I don't lie to boys

Maddy: I didn't lie to Rhydian I tell him the truth

Luna: *glares* Maddy Smith I will get the rest on you

Rhydian: you dare hurt Maddy and I will tear you apart Luna

Luna: *glares* *leaves*

I left that bitch is going to pay

End of POV

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