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Maddy's POV

I am mad at my mum how can she tell me not to see Rhydian we love each other I stormed inside and saw my dad he saw my face he looked up at my mum

Maddy's dad: what did you do?

Maddy: she said I can't see Rhydian

Maddy's dad: why would you do that?

Maddy's mum: I told you

Maddy: you ruin everything mum

I stormed to my room and slammed the door shut I hate her she ruins everything

Maddy's dad: come on Maddy you have to come out of your room

Maddy: no

Maddy's mum: I'm sorry pet

Maddy: I hate you

Maddy's mum: *sighs*

I heard them walk away from the door

At 10pm

My parents went bed I grabbed my bag and climbed out of my window and ran into the woods

End of POV

Rhydian's POV

I want to know what's up with Maddy's mum she liked me when she first saw me what changed her mind I am laying in bed I heard tapping on my window I got out of bed and looked out of my window and saw Maddy what is she doing here

I got dressed and ran outside and ran up to her

Rhydian:  Maddy what's wrong

Maddy: I'm running away they can't stop me from seeing you Rhydian

Rhydian: Maddy you can't run away your parents will get annoyed with me

Maddy: then come with me

Rhydian: okay

Maddy: *smiles*

I ran back inside and grabbed my stuff and ran back outside

Maddy: ready

Rhydian: ready

We ran further into the woods we finally reached somewhere Maddy's parents won't find us because we left so many tracks that they won't be able to find us

Maddy: *yawns*

Rhydian: *stops and hold maddy* let's lay down for a bit you look tired

Maddy: *yawns again*

Rhydian: *picks up Maddy*

I carried her to a tree and we sat underneath it I laid down first and then Maddy sat besides me and put her head on my chest I smiled

Maddy: we will carry on in the morning

End of POV

Maddy's mum's POV

I woke up I still feel bad about yesterday so I am going to apologise to Maddy I walked in her room and saw she was gone I ran out and found my husband

Maddy's mum: Maddy has gone

Maddy's dad: it's your fault

Maddy's mum: you think I don't know that already

Maddy's dad: let's go

We ran out of the house to find Maddy it was hopeless

End of POV

Maddy's POV

I sensed my mum and dad so I instantly woke up and I woke up Rhydian too he looked startled

Rhydian: what's wrong

Maddy: my parents are coming let's go

Rhydian: okay

Me and Rhydian got up and ran holding hands we got to the road and I nearly fell Rhydian caught me

Maddy's mum: MADDY

End of POV

Rhydian's POV

I heard Maddy's mum she sounded worried I need to take Maddy back home

End of POV

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