Shes gone

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Rhydian's POV

I woke up this morning upset I can't believe my girlfriend has gone I got out of bed and put on my school uniform and headed to school it feels weird not calling on for Maddy

Shan: hey Rhydian

Rhydian: hey

Tom: I know how you feel

Rhydian: let's go

We walked into the school and I saw everyone staring at us I ignored them I don't want to talk to anyone but Maddy

Tom: Rhydian

Shan: Rhydian

I snapped back

Rhydian: huh what

Shan: sir was just talking to you

Jeffries: Rhydian can I talk to you

T&S: see you outside Rhydian

Rhydian: okay

Jeffries: what's going on

Rhydian: nothing

Jeffries: *about to sit in Maddy's seat*

Rhydian:  don't sit there that's where Maddy sits

Jeffries: I see what is going on here

Rhydian: what

Jeffries: I know that Maddy is gone but she will be back but you have to let people in and help you like Maddy helped you

Rhydian: sir may I go

Jeffries: of course

I got up off the chair and ran out of the classroom, outside I ran straight across the field I went to Maddy's house well her old house

At Maddy's house

I arrived at Maddy's house and it was empty I sighed


I turned around and saw Luna and Jana

Rhydian: what do you want

Jana: we are sorry that Maddy is gone

Luna: no we're not we are glad that she is gone she changed you

Rhydian: *rolls eyes* Maddy changed me for the better if you say about me coming back the answer is no I like it here and nothing will change that

Jana: LUNA

Luna: what

Jana: don't listen to her and we are not going to force you to come back to our pack

???: Rhydian

I turned around and saw Shan and Tom

End of POV

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