Lately I've been healing

I still hold tears back

But it's getting better

I got off my meds

Yesterday was rough

I'm just scared of today

Genuinely scared

I want to be somewhere else

Not home

Not school

Not here

Not Earth

Not Heaven

Not Hell

Anywhere people aren't

If it means

Waiting in a desert

Slowly dying

The so be it

I just want away

Away from people who know my story

But my story follows me


Kids at school

They won't stop

Even if I do ignore them

They don't get what it feels like

To be harassed to tears

I have to be strong

For a lot of people

It's mentally exhausting

I had to stay in bed later than normal

To prepare myself

For how today's going to go

It didn't work

I stood up

Then collapsed to the ground in tears

It was hard

Lately I've been looking

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