On Your Way Home

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Since we were all in pain and exhausted, we decided to walk back to the Tardis together. The sun rose behind us, illuminating the great Michigan sky.

"So Mary stabbed Micheal in the back?" Sophia asked after we filled her in on the the battle.

Mary nodded. "I'm sorry Gabe, but he was starting to slip into insanity. I didn't have much of a choice."

Gabe looked hurt, but relieved. "It's okay, niece. Now he can't blame me for breaking all of dad's expensive vases." He chuckled, and we all joined in.

"You all forgave Chloe for trying to kill me?" Sophia asked, sounding a little hurt.

"I haven't, not completely." I piped up.

Sophia shrugged. "Oh well, that's what brothers do."

I stood in shock, trying to get a word out over my friends laughter, but it was no use. We all boarded the Tardis to head home.

"What do we do when we get home?" Lucas asked.

"We have a wedding to celebrate!" I cheered. "When's the wedding actually going to be?"

"Anjali they haven't talked properly yet, calm down." Harry said exasperatingly.

"Sorry, I was just excited." I blushed.

Sophia chucked. "Maybe a week, since we already have everything?"

Gabe nodded. "That seems like a good idea."

I jumped up and down with joy. "Hooray! Weddings!!"

"Leave it to Anji to be on tie edge of total destruction, and then squeal about weddings only an hour later." Harry laughed.

"Exactly. Enjoy everything, because you can die at any moment, being us." I retorted.

"That was deep." Elijah pointed out.

"Thank you."

With a whoosh, Detroit was gone, and we were in our backyard once more.

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