Jack West

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Pic above is the new dude

There was a ton of monsters. That's not even an exaggeration. There was empousas and griffins everywhere. Everyone was fighting with all their strength, but they just wouldn't go down with out a fight. Delta stabbed an empousa then threw her sword up to kill a griffin. She continued to use water to kill more empousas until she caught her falling sword from the air and chopped off the last ones head.

Once they were all dead they went up to the mystery demigod who was trying to catch his breath. He sheathed his Stygian iron dagger then looked up to meet those who helped him. "Thank you," he started. "I don't know how to express my gratitude. If you weren't for you all I'd probably be dead by now."

"No problem," Delta replied. "We wouldn't have let you just die like that. It wouldn't have been right."

"What's your name?" Percy asked suspiciously.

"Jack," he replied. "Jack West." All Delta could think was, Jack west, John Wild, J.W, what are the odds. Apparently the others noticed it to because they looked at Delta wearily. Jack noticed the looks so he asked, "What?"

"Nothing," Delta answered before the others could. "I'm Delta." She then gestured to each person as she introduced them. "These are my friends Percy, Annabeth, Thalia, Jason, Piper, Leo, Nico, Hazel, Frank, and Reyna."

Jack let out a little laugh. "Yeah I'm probably not going to remember all that."

"That's okay," Percy assured so he could continue his little interrogation. "So how old are you?"

"Um, I'm fifteen as of yesterday."

"Fifteen?" Annabeth asked also a tad suspicious. Jack nodded. "Impressive. Especially being on your own."

"I wasn't always on my own, but I'd rather not get into that."

"Guys," Frank interrupted. "We should probably continue heading west." Everyone nodded and started to mount their pegasi.

Jack looked sort of down to Delta so she made an offer, "Why don't you come with us Jack?"

"Really?" Jack asked faking surprise.

"Yeah we could use the help." Percy coughed to get Deltas attention. She turned around. "What?"

"A word please." Delta rolled her eyes but walked over to the group. "What are you doing?"

"Asking him to come, duh."

"What if he's a bad person?" Annabeth asked being the voice of reason.

"He's not I can tell. I trust him."

"Well we don't," practically all of them said in unison.

Delta didn't know why, but she started to get mad. "He's coming! That's final! I trust him more than I do you guys!"

"Seriously?" Leo asked confused. "Ya just met the dude."

"Exactly. Which means he hasn't fucked me over like all of you!" With that Delta stormed over to Jack.

"Wow, when did she become such a bitch," Leo thought aloud, earning himself a smack up the head from Piper.

"I just don't get it," Percy said. "She pushes us away and barley even talks to us, but she stands up for someone she literally just met?"

"I don't get it either Perce," Annabeth agreed. They all watched Delta talk to Jack as Annabeth said, "But I'm telling you, something weird is going on here."

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